I know how to shut the TV down when there's nothing on that I like, and I also don't wish to ban all media, I do think that the largest part of the responsibility for enforcing violent video game restrictions should rest on the heads of the people who insist on putting those games out there.
Why? There is no "insistance" on putting these games out there, they are released and sell hugely well, indicating they are massively popular. This in turn points out that many people are playing these violent games (GTA3 is a massive hit with millions being sold) yet very, very few are becoming murderers. So low that the number of murderers that do play the games can just be considered statistical co-incidence. I bet there is no statistically significantly higher incidence of murderers within games than without, likewise for violent offenders.
You managed to come up with 1 example of a possible effect (and that isn't in any way proved). Hardly evidence of a huge corrupting influence on society, is it? How many psychos kill people and claim "god" or "Angels" told them to do it? Have we stopped religion yet?
You ask why you shouldn't be allowed to play a game just because it might affect a young child who shouldn't get it in the first place, well you should be allowed to play your game, I haven't refuted that. But why should I be required to pay the bill for police officers to enforce the restriction that keeps your game out of the hands of minors?
Why should I be required to pay my taxes which go to religious schools? Why should non smkoers pay taqxes to heal smokers? Why should I, who almost never goes to the doctor, pay taxes so that the NHS can treat ill people? Because we live in a SOCIETY and that is how society works, we give for the greater good.
I'm not allowed to pick and choose what taxes I pay am I? I think that those who create the product (and the demand) for violent games, and also perhaps the people who choose to participate in them should have to foot the bill. It's even worse when i realize that these restrictions that I have to help pay to enforce aren't really even being enforced, I'm paying taxes in part for nothing!
Wrong, if they aren't being enforced then your taxes are being spent on other things, so you can't moan on both those points there. And you can't choose what bits of law you pay to have upheld. That is society. We don't always get exactly what we want. I don't want to pay benefits to people too lazy to get a job, nor do I want to have millions of my money paid to Africa so that two-bob dictators get rich while people in my own country are starving. Until there can be a clear line drawn to show how these games are truly affecting the minds of those that they are targetted at and legally allowed it, they should be available. You still haven't answered me on whether you will support my point to ban the bible as many murderers follow religion. Then we can ban drink as so many admissions to British A+E are from drink related incidents.
And ALL laws should be enforced. That is society, if a law is not enforced then one should look at what that law is there to do and whether it is necessary, if it is necessary we should look at its applications. In this case we need stricter point of sale control. Consider this, how often will someone get askede for proof of age to buy alcohol compared to GTA3? Both have the same age limit in the UK, but one you will never get asked.
Right there is a case for Trading Standards to force the vendors to comply with the law. It's nothing to do with the manufacture of the games/videos.
Perhaps then, when the price of these games is higher, parents will think twice about getting them. It's sad but in todays world, it's the pocketbook that rules the family before common sense and parental influence do.
So because some parents don't parent I have to pay more? Why not just police it more rigourously and fine the parents and vendors? Problem solved. But then I can't help but feel that still wouldn't sit well with you as you are personally against these games, and as such prejudiced against any information regarding their effects.
And yes Andy, I'm offended by gore and gratuitous violence, to me life is too precious to even pretend to destroy.
Herein lies the rub. Something doesn't agree with your values, so you don't want it.
I would like to ban anyone reading any religious texts to kids under 18 to prevent anyone tainting kids with the lack of tolerence and free thought so often seen in the truly religious (I work with someone who is completely homophobic and stated the bible tells her it is wrong, yet was most surprised when I pointed out the bible also tells her to stone people who work on the sabbath), but I don't think that will happen somehow, despite religion being a factor in many unstable people including murderers. One only needs to look at the Middle East to see the effect of religion. Are you truly happy to have that taught to minors, but you want to ban video games for all so that there isn't a chance of a kid seeing GTA3, especially now that British citizens are flying to the Middle East to help the fight?
Remind me again just how many deaths are attributed to video games and how many have died in the Middle East since the late 1940s, yet no one tries to prevent religion capturing children at an early age.
You can't blame recent violence and massacres on these video games any more than you can blame them on the bible, torah or qu'ran.
Let's be honest, drinking and smoking kill far more people than these games ever will. Until I see some real concerted campagin agaqinst these I shall ignore the selfish mutterings of those that want everyone else to have the same values as them bleating on about computer games.