The Blackworm Culture Is Growing!

sounds good :thumbs: the idea that nibbles suggested isn't all that bad either. If you could check out the price to canada it would work :) i believe if the package is thin, it will cost less compared to a package that is shpaed in a box (who knows why :dunno:)

I found out why canadian stoers never have live's banned here tha'ts why :blink:
Hey ditto joker, if you wouldn't mind putting in an ice pack with them. I'd like to have them for my growing fry, and also for conditioning adults. Would be really handy and they look easy. My grindals aren't as easy. :X So let me know too, eh? :thumbs:
Julie ur gonna be easier since ur in Washington... :)

Well I could find a free box cause I got one right now..

But the thing Im worried about is the Ice-Pack since there pretty heavy...

But Ill find the smalles one..I have a few here..

So lets see....

Prioratie: 10 dollars
Express: 20 dollars

All those incluse the blackworms already.....

Also microworms if u want some........ :thumbs:

EDIT: TFF members get a discount.. :hyper:

I sold some to some other dude on a betta forum for 20 dollars with prioratie shipping...U get a 50% save :thumbs:
Good News I just found out boxes for prioratie are only 3 dollars...Julie ur lucky cause I only have one..So that will be free...... :thumbs:
ok joker, did u starte the culture from a few worms or do u buy eggs or wat? and where did u get the culture at. does petco seel cultures at all?
GuppyDude said:
ok joker, did u starte the culture from a few worms or do u buy eggs or wat? and where did u get the culture at. does petco seel cultures at all?
Well this is what I did

I told my LFS to get me a culture of blackworms they said ok..So I got around 50-70 worms.

I placed them in a container in my fridge then I was reading in the internet some books I got here and from other worm keepers.

A good start is to get some scissors and cut them worms that will make double the worms keep doing that every week and u will have a culture in 3-4 weeks or less.

Thats how I got my culture started.... :thumbs:


The answer not exactly the worms are difficult to kill...I cut them in half and from each half they grow into a new worm......I keep doing that every week.....Thats how im getting my worms.

Of course a little food once in a while.


Well my answer is dont feed them for a week

I feed them every week 3 pellets....SHRIMP PELLETS sometimes I use flake but only a little

the thing that makes this hard u gotta clean them everyday if u want them healthy

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