The Blackworm Culture Is Growing!


Pocket Full Of Fish
Feb 5, 2004
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Well I took pics today of my blackworm culture and WOW! :hyper:

Its multypling by a lot....I mean look at this pics.. :D



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And now look at this!

:hyper: :hyper: :hyper: :hyper: :hyper: :hyper: :hyper:



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Do any of u spot the Kenmore Fridge...Im RICH! :lol:

Also do u guys see an improvement....I feed them to my bettas once a day... :thumbs:
Pretty easy relly.... ;)

I get a culture and dont feed it to my fish for atleast a week I do water change every 2 days

Then I just put paper so they could cover and make them self ino little balls(easier to catch)

Then I feed them pellets and thats it they stay in my fridge
wow.. eventually once the culture is going nuts do you wanna send me some :eek:
Ill happily send u some

But shipping might cost a lot...
ooh.. that would be the problem shipping then i guess wouldnt it.. im picking up bettas from bkk tonight so i pmed him and asked him if he has a culture i could buy.. so i will see .. thanks for offering:D
leck85 said:
ooh.. that would be the problem shipping then i guess wouldnt it.. im picking up bettas from bkk tonight so i pmed him and asked him if he has a culture i could buy.. so i will see .. thanks for offering:D
Its straight dude...... ;)

U lucky Monkey I want bettas from BKK! j/k

good to hear that the fishies will have a nice treat when tehy arrive :nod: any idea how much shipping will cost to canada? i believe you can put them in some kind of ziplock bag or something, and that would reduce shipping costs, since boxes tend to cost more.

as for being cold, couldn't you put one of those frozen ice packs around it? they don't "defrost" or melt as quickly.

i'm very interested in some blackworms, if there's any way to reduce the cost of shipping (they dont' have to be priority, i think regular shipping will be fine), i would buy some off you if your'e willing to sell :thumbs:
if we were to do it, it would make more sense for him to send to one of us in canada.. then whever gets it in canada, can ship them to other canadians.. to save him the hassle, and save everyone money!
leck85 said:
if we were to do it, it would make more sense for him to send to one of us in canada.. then whever gets it in canada, can ship them to other canadians.. to save him the hassle, and save everyone money!
CC we will talk business...... :D

First le me find out how much to canada is

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