The "big" Move


the one and only
Jan 20, 2008
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right hoping to move the contents of the tank over to the rio on monday ( from the vision)
have managed to get 7 water containers,so they are at MHA getting filled ( hope by tommorow afternoon)
so plan to swap over on monday when the kids are at idea how where to start tho :(
im assuming i mix the water/salt in the newtank add a power head and heater leave it over night and swap everything over when temp is reached??

please correct me if im wrong :unsure:

many thanks
shelagh xxx
Temp and SG Shelagh, yes.

That sounds a very good way god way of doing things.

Once the water is at the right sg, swap the rock in, then sand around the rock. The fish will be easier to catch with no rock in the tank too.

I would be tempted to use some new sand and add some of the old stuff to seed it, then allow it to clear somewhat before adding the fish and critters and any corals you have.

Good luck with the move.
thankyou :)

i can get some more sand when i go tommorow, thats not a problem.. so long as they have some that is.
im a bit worried about the CUC as i dont exactly know whats in there, and the baby starfish :/ how will i make sure i get everyone.. im blind as a bat at the best of im told
Move the rocks and you'll get most of it...when removing your old sand leave a lot of tank water in the origional one and simply syphon off the top layer of sand into a bucket and transfer over...
Do this several times and you'll have got the most of them..
Leave a few inches of water on top of the left over sand and any remaining cuc will usually move to the surface over the next hour or so.
all has gone well im pleased to say.. here are a few pics from along the way
just filled
temp reached
almost clearerd
back in and exploring
the old place.

been a long day,and my back is aching, but i think its worth it :)
thankyou both :)
looking forward to getting stuck in now, the only thing that does rattle me, i did take it into consideration before hand but thought i would go ahead anyway.. is the shadow that is cast by the brace on the tank :( ill have to get more rock i think and build up that area to make it look like "natural shadow"
got up a bit early to check that everyone is ok, and they are (pheww)
mushroom is looking a bit miserable, but he did for few days after the last move too.tank has cleared nicely.. still not sure abut the shadow tho :/
where possible i have turned the rock over to try to do away the grass, maybe it will work maybe not.


Just seen these pics shelagh..those mushies, WOW !!!
If they keep them down on the sand bed and they will be happier away from the brighter light I bet....

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