The Best Way To Catch Fish.


Fish Fanatic
Apr 19, 2014
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I need to catch some rummy nose tetras that are in a large tank and they are sooooooo fast.
What is the best way to catch them and minimise stress on the fish.
Sometimes if you can get a small container and dip it in the water, you'll catch some before they realize what's happening. Otherwise, you'll need patience or you can remove any decorations.
i usually use two nets, one larger and the other slightly smaller, use the smaller one to 'herd' fish towards the larger net.
Takes a bit of practice and they are fast fish!
Have heard it helps to reduce the water level in the tank too to give them less space to dash away into.
Haven't tried it tho tbh.
Ch4rlie said:
i usually use two nets, one larger and the other slightly smaller, use the smaller one to 'herd' fish towards the larger net.
Takes a bit of practice and they are fast fish!
I ruined two nets like that once! They both were snagged on my driftwood. The fish escaped and I had to wait a few days to move a male molly to a different tank to keep him off the female. :p This method works well if you don't have sharp tall things or if you don't have to navigate tight corners.
attibones said:
i usually use two nets, one larger and the other slightly smaller, use the smaller one to 'herd' fish towards the larger net.
Takes a bit of practice and they are fast fish!
I ruined two nets like that once! They both were snagged on my driftwood. The fish escaped and I had to wait a few days to move a male molly to a different tank to keep him off the female.
This method works well if you don't have sharp tall things or if you don't have to navigate tight corners.
Thats very true yeah, should have mentioned that.
As already mentioned lowering water and tanking out decor and wood would assist a lot as well.
One big net and your other hand work as well as two nets.
My experience in netting schooling fish is the last one or two are often more work than all the rest combined.
Small firecracker with waterproof fuses will stun fish, but the splash makes a mess. 
TwoTankAmin said:
Small firecracker with waterproof fuses will stun fish, but the splash makes a mess.
My grandfather used this method of 'fishing' while he was stationed in the Pacific during WWII.  He and his buddies would take a small canoe into the ocean, drop a grenade and wait a few seconds.  Stunned fish would come floating up to the surface and they'd enjoy a fresh meal.
On topic, the key element is the reduction of hiding places by removing decor... and then corralling the fish using the two net/one net & one hand method. 
And I'd suggest that TTA is correct in stating that the last one or two shoaling fish are always the toughest to catch.  The first few are very easy.  The last are: :grr:
Then, when you catch the last one: 
I had a well planted tank once that I didn't want to move the décor out of. It took a year before I caught the last Danio... now those little suckers are fast!
Yea I'd suggest removing all decor, using two nets and lowering the water level.

O my gosh when I had to catch my last little baby tire track eel in my black 75 gallon due to tannins, I was cussing like a sailor, it took me 50 minutes to catch him, ended up catching him with my smallest net.
I also find that slow hearding motions to a desired location, then a burst of speed to catch the fish has worked well for me.  I find the slow motion helps because the fish will keep its distance but not freak out and swim away crazy fast. Then once its in a manageable area go for the win with an upward arking motion.
Get a fry trap or fish bag once you start catching them put them in the bag in the tank, this way the last one can see the shoal and will tend to try and stay near the bag (safety in numbers) rather than hide in the tank. Its the easiest way to catch the last of a shoal.
star4 said:
Get a fry trap or fish bag once you start catching them put them in the bag, this way the last one can see the shoal and will tend to try and stay near the bag (safety in numbers) rather than hide in the tank. Its the easiest way to catch the last of a shoal.
I'd never tried that before... I sure will next time though.  (Why didn't I think of that before?! :blush: )

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