The best way to buy an Aquarium


Fish Herder
Mar 13, 2004
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Searching Lake Ontario for tropical fish...No luck
The best ways to buy Aquariams are at a trutstworthy store obviously, yet not everyone can shovel out the big bucks to pay for it. Here are some ways I thought were most rewarding:

5. Checking at garage sales

Every summer i see lots and lots of old, rusted, lime-covered aquariums out on peoples front lawns. Great resource for us fish keepers.

4. Online

There are usually some really great deals online, yet shipping costs can be over-the-top. Only buy to people who you can pick up or have delivered by them with no service charge

3. Auctions / Clubs

I joined the St. Catherines Aquarium Society and there is an auction everymonth where there are always plenty of aquariums supplies and even a couple aquariums up for grabs.

2. Classifieds

Check your local newspaper(s) in the classified section. A lot of times, people buy aquariums and get sick of taking care of them. Great place to find what your looking for, although patience is required.

1. Getting the word out!

I just picked up a 90g aquarium with stand and guts (filters, heater) for 100$! How? I told my mom and dad, and one day my dad brought it up when he was talking to a friend. His friend just happen to be an old aquarium enthusiasts and decided to sell me his tank for cheap! This is by far the best way to get a tank in my opinion, although it could involve some work.

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