The Best Size Community Tank


New Member
Dec 30, 2006
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hi i was wandering what the best size community tank is
I like 50+ tanks. I would say anything bigger than 30 can give you a pretty good community set up.
it all depends what fish you like,first decide what fish you want then get the right sized tank for them :good:
but i do agree with kitty you have so many more options with BIG tanks
Yup Yup :D I agree with both of you (kitty and cane)! I'm starting a 55gallon community myself :lol: I've got it cycling right now with Mature media that was used in the same tank for about a year (I kept american cichlids before) and about 1/4 of the water for more bacteria... and I still doesed the tank for extra :D not long untill I can add fishys now :p

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