the age of a betta


Fish Addict
May 11, 2004
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new jersey
the name says it all. he is a lps betta and he hasn't really made a full nest yet just a bunch of unorganized bubbles and he doesn't seem to want to breed but i don't know how old h is.

anyway to tell how?
its really hard to guess something like that because he could be very young or he could be very old. is he small,some bettas just arent so aggro and wont even think of making a nest,specially iside those little lfs its really hard to come up with the age without a pic.
you could cut him in half and count the rings..............................joking :rofl: stick another male next to him he will flare and also blow bubbles well mine do
when did you buy, he might have to just get used to his surroundings.
i bought him a week or two ago

all my other fish make nests even the one i got most recently the week after the one i am questioning. the newest one started making bubbles a few days ago
2 inches... hmm... at least 2 years depending one what food u give him. If he was fed nicely since birth, probably younger. Mines about 2 inches (mouth to end of body). and I've had him for a year and 4 month and he blows bubbles. Can't really tell how old he is tho.

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