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well days, 3,4,5,6 and 7 have been a waste! i have had a lot to doo and a lot of rain so the driftwood will have to wait!
Get out there in the rain. Your not made of sugar. Looking forward to updates.
Forgot to put this in lol!
Let it be settled then that my tropical fish forum tank shall be of 50 litres and contain the following aquatic specimens...
1x Male Betta Splendens (blue/purple)
4x Dwarf Corydora
6x Neon Tetra
The other Equipment will be...
1x interpet AV1 air pump Check connected to a 4 inch airstone Check
1x fluval U2 rated for up to 110 litres at 400 litres an hour, i will turn the flow rate down however. It was a u1 originally but i read some bad reviews on it saying that it was the worst of the U line and i opted for the next model up.
1x Hagen Elite 50Watt Heater
Substrate Will Be...
A Fine Gravel Substrate and will Be Black Check
1x amazon sword
1x grassy stuff
1x big broad leaf stalky thing
1x small bit of bogwood Check