Tff Party?


Fish Herder
Jul 21, 2006
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Keep in mind, this is just a suggestion... but a good one in my opinion...

We should have three polls. First, a poll to see who would attend a TFF party.

Second - to see where it should be held. We should have 2, for UK and US users (those are majority) and maybe even maybe a small one for the austrailian peoples, on where the locations in the US and UK the parties would take place.

Third - Detailed planning and so forth put into it.

I think it's a great idea. A lot of work, but it's not as hard as designing a tank, which a lot of us have already done :shifty:
That sounds like a great idea allthough possible a far way for people to travel in the u.s. Hold it in ohio!!! :rolleyes:
haha, the votes on where to hold it would be AFTER we even get it going :rolleyes:
But you know, I'm thinking big cities.

Dallas, Texas.

New York, New York.

Washington DC.

And for UK, I'm uneducated, but probably somewhere in Great Britain.
What are you suggesting are alot like the TFF Meets, that are sometimes held in the UK.

It would be hard to hold just 1 in the US because it is such a large place, there would have to be several across many states.
yesh. I'd say 3-5 in the US, and probably 2 in the UK... but Still unsure.
What are you suggesting are alot like the TFF Meets, that are sometimes held in the UK.

It would be hard to hold just 1 in the US because it is such a large place, there would have to be several across many states.

I would agree as all of those places are atleast a ten hour drive or more, and texas is out of the question. (I hate being a poor college student!)
3-5 in the US wouldn't be enough to cover everyone.

You could probably just hold 1 in the Uk if people are willing to travel although, most people would want 2, one for the northerners amongst us and one for the southerners.
Hmmmmmmm........ That' why we'd have to have several. Exactly.

Still, I say that we should found some huge annual party....
I think your also looking over the cost, parties can cost alot of money and some people wouldn't be willing to contribute.

It depends if it was a proper party, or an annual meet up kind of thing.

I think you need to ellaborate(sp?) a little more on your idea.
I'm thinking it'd be more formal, not at someone's house or something....

maybe like, a planned day thing. See an aquarium.... go to eat... spend the night drinking or something.

Or maybe something like where they rent out a building or room in a large hotel for a day...

there are many many many ways it could go. that's why I wanted others to contribute what they think best. :good:
The trouble with meetings is that everyone says they are going, then when it's getting organised, the excuses start coming in (car packed up, got no money, got to work now, not feeling well, etc etc etc, blah blah blah).

I sorted a couple out and we started out looking at 20-30 people and you end up with 3 of you. If I recall correctly the last one ended up with 2 people turning up. and I think there was one a couple of years ago that The-wolf sorted and there was about 5 or 6 turned up to that one.

In the UK there is a nationl fish show run by the FBAS

You coulds always hire a stall there to Get potenatail members intrested and a meeting point.
This is a 3 day event nr Portsmouth (South coast though), it's held in a holiday park and plenty of space for every one to join in.

I my self have a Viviparous Stand there every year (For my livebearers)

The cost is something like £120 fot the 3 days (fri/sat and sunday)
Plenty of food and drink as well so all is good.

Would be eaiser then planning something totaly on your own and get noob's intrested with good flyers and stuff......

Good idea, i like the lazy option :good: . Though something on msn with webcams, or even a webcam chatroom would be better.
we already do it in the chat room.

every day is a party there :hyper: :lol:

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