Tff Member's Nano Tanks

Tank: D-D 24 Gal Nano with stand

Volume: 90L but takes 80L with rock TOPS

Lighting: stock 2x T5 PC 36watt bulbs, moonlight led strip. 2x 2 hour moonlight phase and 8 hours of white/actinics.

Filtration: 10 kilos 5 year old mature live rock with some branching, 2 kilos lr rubble in rear.

Refugium: makeshift fuge with chaeto lit 24/7, lr rubble.

Substrate: 1.5 inches of Caribsea aragonite reef sand

Aquascape Theme: a tank that's still in progress but wanted to achieve a cove shape to the rocks with some caves and a ledge at the top

Equipment: Maxijet 1200 pump, Koralia nano, Rena SmartSafe 150W heater, Hydor FLo

Skimmers: surface skimming with 10-12 litre weekly water changes. Possible nano skimmer in the pipeline

Water Parameters:
Average temp 77-78 degrees
pH 8.3
average nitrate level - 0
kH 8.3
specific gravity 1.025

Corals: various mushrooms, ricordeas, zoas, green star polyps, clove polyps, pulsing xenia, montipora digitata, duncans, hammerhead, toadstool leather

Fish: 2 perc clowns, 1 starry blenny, 1 green coral goby

Invertebrates: 2 dwarf red leg hermits, 1 sand conch, 6 asterinia snails, 6 unknown baby snails, 1 black and white brittle starfish, 1 peppermint shrimp, 1 cleaner shrimp

Feeding: twice daily feeding with one day off a week for fish, reef flakes, enriched brine shrimp, rotifers, fresh clam meat for the brittle star once a week, mysis shrimp. Phytoplancton for the corals once a day.

Maintenance: weekly 10-12 litre water changes. Seachem Reef Salt. Change floss in rear chambers weekly.

Comments: this tank is only 4 months old but I am loving every minute of it. It's my first saltwater venture and it certainly won't be my last!







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