Tff Lapel Badge/pin

The croix of the matter was to generate some funds for the forum given that we all use it. So how was it a bad idea given the context to which it was intended. Surely people would want to contribute given the fact that they are all using the site.
Just an idea Good or Bad

Slight over-reaction considering the topic name. (IMO)

I don't think anyone would disagree with funds for the forum, however the emphasis of the original question (in my opinion) was to whether a pin/badge was a good idea. Thats what mine and many others opinions were based upon (I believe). Had you said, 'is there a way to increase funds for the running of the forum? Good or bad idea?' then i think you may have found some different responses.

Good intentions though ;) .. for that you get a thumbs up. :thumbs:


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