Tff Frag Exchange


Hug a mod Nano Reef Moderator
Retired Moderator ⚒️
Dec 27, 2004
Reaction score
Long Island, NY
TFF Frag Exchange


Welcome to TFF's place for marine reefkeeper's to gather to exchange a bit of the ocean world. Our members should be able to 'congregate' here and exchange corals for the mutual benefit of themselves and their marine aquarium. In addition to some basic rules and guidelines to be posted above. all TFF forum rules apply here. This is a place of education and respect. Conscientious marine aquarism is expected. Have fun.

Rules and Guidelines


1) Members come here to share their knowledge and expertise in addition to their coral frags. As we expect of fellow members, there will be no foul language, disrepect of each other or any unacceptable language or comments relating to race, religion, creed, sex, etc.

2) A member may create a single post and edit their listings as their stocking requires. Repetitive posts may be deleted unless a member requests one for specific reasons. Commentary posts will be deleted. Questions about corals and shipping agreements should be sent by PM or email between members. Any complaints or issues may be mentioned to a marine moderator.

3) Frags should come from well-established tanks. See below.

4) It is understood between frag exchangers that there is never any guarantee that an unwanted hitchhiker may be transferred on a coral frag. The exchangers understand and accept this risk.

5) Each coral frag that a poster is interested in listing for exchange should be listed in the format as printed below. This can be cut and pasted and used in their post. Any post deviating from this guideline may be deleted by a mod.

6) Frags listed to be exchanged should be accompanied by a photo.

7) Any use of photo retouching software on the frag photo can subject the poster to disciplinary action including removal of the thread, warning or a temporary ban. If special lighting must be used, that should be identified in the post (eg, photo taken under 10,000K blue actinics).

8) Any member misrepresenting their coral or item of exchange, deviating from their agreement or who fails to follow guidelines is subject to disciplinary action.

9) A swap is exactly that: an exchange of one thing for another. If one member wishes to SELL their coral, or, if they want something additional for the coral over and above the swap, this must be clearly stated and agreed upon by the members involved in the exchange.

10) Members engaging in a swap must include, at the minimum, the following information in their post. Suggested guideline:

Coral type: LPS, SPS, softie
Size: Large (4-6"; 10-18cms); medium (3-4"; 7-10cms); small (2-3"; 5-7cms); nano sized (<2";<5cms)
Location: (UK, US, etc)
Tank/Age: Aquarium or prop; indicate if your tank is well established
Method(s) of shipping or exchange:
Agreement if DOA:

11) TFF is NOT responsible for any part of the agreement arrived at between members on the exchange of corals and is NOT responsible for any losses incurred. This transaction is STRICTLY between the individuals. It may be safer for members to have an agreement in writing before the exchange takes place.

Fragging Links


Acclimatising new additions to your tank

Attaching your corals

Fragging gorgonians

Methods for Shipping Corals

Fragging Mushrooms by Mr. Miaggi
Coral type: Softy
Species: Sacrophyton Elegans
Size: Large (4" when extended)
Location: US, Buffalo NY
Tank/Age: 10 month old 45g tank (link in sig) coral is 7 months old

Photo: Taken under Hamilton 14000k 175watt halide with 50/50 Power Compact Flourescent. Color changes little under 10k or actinic

Method(s) of shipping or exchange: Overnight continental US with heatpacks on days pickup is guaranteed due to cold weather in Buffalo
Agreement if DOA: Refund coral cost (not shipping)
Will trade for: Zoos/Palys, LPS, Cleaner Shrimp, or Sell for $20+ freight, I have styros a plenty


Polyps going fast, get em while they're hot

Coral type: Softy
Species: Actinodiscus sp
Size: 0.5" juvenile up to 3"+ fully grown I've got tons of individual polyps, all up for grabs
Location: US, Buffalo NY
Tank/Age: 10 month old 45g tank (link in sig) coral is 7 months old

Photo: Taken under Hamilton 14000k 175watt halide with 50/50 Power Compact Flourescent. Color changes little under 10k or actinic

Method(s) of shipping or exchange: Overnight continental US with heatpacks on days pickup is guaranteed due to cold weather in Buffalo
Agreement if DOA: Will ship more
Will trade for: Zoos/Palys, LPS, Cleaner Shrimp, or straight up give them to you if you pay shipping
nice easy to look after soft coral
pussy coral Sinularia sp
5x3in aprox on a rock about the same size,
likes bit of light and flow
suit most tanks

collection only

Coral type: softie
Species: devils finger leather coral
Size: Large 4-6"; 10-18cms
Location: North East Wales/Chester
Tank/Age: 55gal reef. set up 8mths

Method(s) of shipping or exchange: Local pickup ideally. Can deliver within 90min drive for cost of petrol
Agreement if DOA:

This is attatched to a dead ?brain coral? which has a small part still alive which I was going to frag but I decided to swap/sell instead as my husband thinks it's ugly :lol:

Will swap for nice Euphillia, sun coral or smallish condy or will consider any other nice swaps :nod:

Will sell for £25 (paid £40 6mths ago) or pm me

Coral type: softie
Species: Mushroom leather coral
Size: medium (3-4"; 7-10cms)
Location: North East Wales/Chester
Tank/Age: 55gal reef tank set up 8mths

Method(s) of shipping or exchange: Local pick up or will deliver within 90mins drive for cost of petrol
Agreement if DOA:

This is splitting into 2 at the moment


I will sell one half for £10 or will swap for....anything pretty :good:
Right as some might remember me asking how to frag my X-Large colt softie, the frags are becoming sucessful!. One is fully attached to a bit of rock and im gunna wait another few days before the cocktail stick comes out. And the other larger frag ive done needs about a week or so cos it kept being a nightmare dettaching itself from the stick, and in my pic you will see the bodge job on holding it down cos the net baggin tactic didnt work :lol:.

My tank stats currently are
Ammonia: 0
Nitrite: 0
Nitrate: <10mgs
PH: 8.2
SG: 1.025
Calcium: 500mgs (tis high cos of instant ocean salt)

The coral itself likes Low-Medium flow, but more Med as is sways nicely.
Lighting its used to is 4x 54watt T5s but it would be ok under 3+ T8s i would say. However it grows lot faster under higher light i found.

Small Colt coral

Size: 2.5inches tall with 4 main branching arms.
Price: Not sure on price but offers welcome.



Larger Colt coral

Size: 2.5 inches tall with 6 main large arms. But 2 on each branch as its from 3 places of my coral if you understand.
Price: I was thinking in the region of £10-15




Hope you like and feel free to pm me if interested.
Pick up is fine and lot easier for me.
Delivery im not sure on as i cnt get hold of heat packs or small poly boxes. But Any tips on delivery are welcome.

i would rather buy then trade as i dont have much to trade with how much for the pink zoas with delivery
i would rather buy then trade as i dont have much to trade with how much for the pink zoas with delivery

Hi Thomas Pink zoas would be £10 (p+p inc) there are about 40 heads.

ok i will have the zoas will a postal order be good would be better if you could frag of about 10 heads as i only want frags
Hi Thomas Sorry, I didn't see your reply until just now, if you give me the address to send the zoas to I will pop a few in the post to you. Don't worry about any money, these few can be a present. :) Fishstick.
Has anyone got any frags for sale ?Trying to start my tank going and need a bit of colour.

Has anybody got any frags they could offer me , I've had my tanks for about 5 months now and I want to start adding some frags.


You willing to travel to St Albans i have a finger coral and a leathe rcoral for sale. PM me.
has anyone got any zoanthus for sale? red, green, pink, purple or blue NOT brown or yellow

a small colony, im looking to spend about 5-10 pounds on a colony of 5+ polyps i would cover postage and im in the UK

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