Texas Betta Society Betta Show

Yes sir, she was :nod: I won't tell her news though.

And thanks Annie! It went really well,but we still have the auction and packing up tomorrow. I don't consider it over until the fish are all back home with their owners. Unfortunately Monday is a Holiday so they're stuck with me an extra day.

Results are posted on better bettas.
Yeah ..it's me. ;) Seen you have done pretty good this year. Keep it up..you will be givin the big dogs fits soon. Congrats on placing this show. Looks like you had some great competition.
thanks, just one of my dt pk's, my marbles wouldn't flare (as usual!)
I've hardly been breeding anything at all this year, just wilds, no splendens. But, I dunno...I've been thinking of picking up a couple lookers tomorrow, we have some excellent fish up for auction. It just takes a lot to spark my interest anymore...but I'd like to try for something different. Or something new :zz

I'm tired. And wired.

Jim's actually staying for the auction tomorrow. He never does that. He lost all of his fish in the hurricane and needs some breeding stock. It should be fun.
Glad to hear it went well, I couldn't make it, we got stuck in Dallas all day. Then once we got to Fort Worth we were too late and went to Josh Turner in stead (it was a good concert). I'm trying to be there for the auction though, can't wait!
hey. can you possibly post a link to a webpage that has the results of the show? I'm curious as to how my stained glass placed in the art category. Thanks,

I think i got there right after the auction, still picked up a very nice male! I'll post pics later
Hopefully Synirr will tell us her news soon then! Congrats Wuv!

Ian, your stained glass pieces did great! All of them sold :nod:

tony :blink: Did you come in with your dad and buy that BF male? If so, sorry I didn't get to say 'hi', I was busy being stressed out :blush:
Hopefully Synirr will tell us her news soon then! Congrats Wuv!

thanks wuv!

Synirr: that's awesome! I guess he's the one you said you were keeping for yourself (in your other thread), right?

awwww, I love that pic, Sam!! :wub:
All the stress was worth it just to see that :wub:

I got some really nice fish, too. I'll post pics...someday. They haven't even made it to bowls yet. Aaand I decided to buy those lil albi's. The breeder insisted I just keep them but I'm paying him anyway, they're worth their weight in gold! And I couldn't stomach the thought of them taking another trip in the mail after such a hard week.

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