HUM.... I many people have had issues with this recently, it would appear that a bad production run may have slipped tetratec's Quality Control net
When you get excessive noise from any extrunal, try the following;
1) Shake to release any trapped air. Watch the outlet for any bubbles being released. Bubbles and noise constantly indicates an air leak, and you should inspect all seals. The fault is before the motor, so the main seal ring, the tap seal rings, the quick disconnect rings or the internal seals on the tap/quick release are shot... Find which one and replace. It is normal to get some air trapped when first started

If you switch the filter off you will usualy get some water sepage from the offending connection
2) Take the motor appart and inspect the impeller and impeller well for cavitation, and the bearings for wear. If you find any, get the offending part replaced.
3) If all else fails, the motor unit is gone. This is the bit that is clipped directly onto your "bucket" and does all the pumping of water. Get this replaced. There are many things inside that can go to caurse noise, but the most likely is something inside working loose, and the strong electro-magnetic forces from the internal coils are making it shake.
If you are unsure of what is normal, post pics on the forum and a member will tell you
I find my two nearly silent. They start fairly noisy after a clean, and quieten down over a few days. Keeping it too clean produces noise, keeping things too dirty increases wear. You need to ballence between to two
IME Tetra take 2-3 weeks to reply to e-mails, but 'phone answering is almost instant. For failures and warrenty issues, use the 'phone. Non-urgent info about where to get spares should be done through e-mail.
All the best