Tetratec Ex700



I've just bought a tetratec eX700 off ebay (2nd Hand), but the motor doesn't seem to be working, the seller has offered a refund but I was wondering if it's possible to buy a new motor head for it? The only problem is, I can't seem to find anywhere that lists them as a spare part, can anyone help?
Quick few stupid questions...

Can you check the fuse, the mains supply and that the impeller is correctly seated for us? I know that if you are experienced with aquarium hardware you will probibly already have done this, but you'd be suppried how many forget to do this :shifty:

After that, yes replacement motor heads are available. They are about £20-£30 each, available I believe direct from Tetratec, here

You will need to drop them an e-mail, and they should help you get a replacement from there. If it is under 3 years and you got proof of purchase from the seller, they will do this free of charge. The fact that the seller has offered a refund though surgests to me that they know there is a problem with the unit :good:

If you want to check the troubleshooting section of the manual, and one diden't come with the filter, a replacement can be downloaded here

Cheers Rabbut, they were the first things I checked myself, although there was a weird black flaky residue on the impeller and around the motor head, reminiscent of stuff I've seen in other appliances when a motor burns out, so it could be that, the seller has said he will look for the proof of purchase as it's less than a year old so could get it replaced under warranty possibly, so fingers crossed!
If it's a burn-out, they may not cover it under warrenty. It is possible that the origional user ran it dry, and that caursed the burn-out. If this is the case, you will need to pay for the replacement parts :sad:

All the best
Damn, that would be crap. If so I'll just ask the seller to contribute to a new motor head, although i don't see why the motor would burn out if it was dry ( but then, but that's based on my own half baked logic lol)
The motorhead relies on the water passing over it to cool. Without tank water passing over the head, it will overheat and melt the internal (and sometimes exturnal) components of the motor head. It's the same with most internal aquarium pumps and filters. They need the water flow to remain cool and not burn out when ran dry :good:

All the best

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