Fish Fanatic
I have been reading up on different types of fish that I might want to put in my aquarium once I am finished cycling it. One type of fish that I would like to get, I saw in a LFS. It was called a Painted Tetra. On the 3 or so websites that I've visited, I haven't found Painted Tetras. I've found other species of Tetra, but not Painteds.
Is there really such thing. I was told by someone who I work with that fish stores actually hand paint the flourescent stripe on the backs of the Tetras. When I went to someones house who has a tank with some Painted Tetras, it did seem like the flourescent stripe on their backs were peeling.
The rest of their body is transparent.
Is there really such thing. I was told by someone who I work with that fish stores actually hand paint the flourescent stripe on the backs of the Tetras. When I went to someones house who has a tank with some Painted Tetras, it did seem like the flourescent stripe on their backs were peeling.
The rest of their body is transparent.