

Fish Fanatic
Feb 24, 2008
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Well I'm trying to get 1 more type of schooling fish in my aquarium and I'm thinking of tetras. I've been looking at Rummy noses along time but just can't seem to find any at my aquatic's stores. I've heard both stories as they are hardy or not. I've also had lemon tetras before and trying to see if thats better for me plus I can get them just about anywhere. I'm planning to put about 5 or 7 of these in my 4 year old 30 gal tank with 5 danios, 5 dwarf aussie rainbow fish, 3 pearl gouramis, 2 ottos, 4 young clown loachs "Going to be moved", and 1 swordtail. Also my water conditions are very good and all my fish are in good health. So which kinda tetra would be aceptable for my tank?, and if you have other oppions please let me know!
with the stock you have, rummynoses might not have enough space, but besides that, i love rummys

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