
orange shark

Fish Herder
Feb 17, 2007
Reaction score
I have recently bought 5 blue neon tetras from my lfs and was wondering if you could mix these tetras with other tetras? (new to tetras!)

Thanks Jack
Neons will coexist with many tetras but not all. Some are too aggressive for them. Are there some specific species you are interested in mixing with them? Give us a list of species you like and are available to you and we can tell you which ones will work.
I dont realy want any perticular tetra i was just wondering for future reference.

Thanks Jack
tetras are gd community fish they get along with everthing but anythign that is twice their size is a threat they will get eatan in other words
tetras are gd community fish they get along with everthing but anythign that is twice their size is a threat they will get eatan in other words

Note that there are many different types of tetras. Bucktooth tetras are definitely NOT a good community fish. And even some more peaceful types are renowned fin-nippers, such as serpae tetras and cochu's tetras, so only good in a community that does not present much of a temptation. As for anything twice their size being a threat- that depends on what the bigger fish is, I think you'd have to wait a long time for a corydoras to snack on your neons.
I have neons mixed with cardinals and rummy nose tetras, they get on great and they all shoal together. There are 8 neons, 8 cardinals and 6 rummy nose altogether. They look brilliant.
So cardinals and rummy nose mix great with neons for future notice.

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