Well, surprise, today I discovered another cardinal. It's hard to tell exact numbers because the tank is so nasty looking, it originally used to be two lemons, I think three cardinals, three rummies for sure, an otto or two, a betta and a lone albino cory. All in a ten. Now it's just the five tetras and the cory.
Needless to say, I tried to help in a not too pushy way but the kid is the kind that flies his kittens around like airplanes, and he's twelve! Anyhoo, I'm not even sure if his mom is going to let him get rid of them, he doesn't want them but he said she does, though with the way the tank is looking and the fact that they don't clean the gravel, just top the tank off, I don't know how much longer any of them are going to last. As it is I'm sneaking bottom feeding wafers to the cory, as they seemed to think he ate algae off the sides of the tank, and the poor little booger had to suffer not getting real food on top of the fact that they only were feeding the fish once a week. I'm starting to think I could just sneak him out of the tank without anyone noticing, lord knows you can barely see the inside of the tank anymore.... Kid is upstairs at the moment.....
Does this make me evil or good?