Tetra's Or Rasbora's?


Fish Fanatic
Oct 27, 2006
Reaction score
Milton Keynes, England

I want to add a small shoal (about 6) of either Cardinal Tetra's or Harlequin Rasbora's to my community Tropical tank.
The tank is 55 UK litres and I already have 3 Peppered Cory's, 1 Oto, 1 Dwarf Gourami and 4 Zebra Danio's.

I know adding a small shoal of either fish is going to overstock the tank however, I am also going to invest in a Eheim 2213 external filter to increase the filtering quality and hopefully compensate for the additional fish (already have a UGF running).

I believe the Tetra's don't produce alot of waste so I am kind of steering towards these.

Is this a good idea and which type of fish can you reccommend I add.
i`d go with the cardnals mate, i have 20 or so in my big tank and they look ace as they school, and contrast well with the green plants
I would say the Rasboras because I think they'll be a bit more active than the tetras, and they have unusual patterning. They're fun to watch.
I have a small shoal (6) of Harlequin Rasboras in my 24g. They are active and like to shoal a fair bit. As n3ont3tra said they would probably be a bit more active than cardinals.

Shame you don't have a larger tank then you could add a group of each.

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