Tetras & Guppys


New Member
Jun 18, 2005
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Can someone tell me will Tetras be ok with Guppys,

There Neon Tetras both normal ones and Black ones, I was told they will be ok but im just worried as the Guppys are smaller than the Tetras :(
the only trouble I can forsee is the neons getting nippy on the male guppys long tails
they must be small/baby guppies, genrally guppies are slightly larger then neons.

they should be fine as neons and blacks have small mouths and dont tend to generally fin nip, i have baby guppies(3-5 days old) in with a few neons they are very passive and dont even bother them :)
Oh their much older than 3-5days but they are probably only about 6wks old, 1cm the smallest and 3cm the biggest, the Tetras are about 4cm, black neons, normal neons, Minnos and some x-ray tetras, all the books say their ok but I just wanted to make sure because I have to put them in the same tank as the other has to be drained and moved :(
Yup as far as compatibility goes your pretty much OK.

few other points to consider with those fish
remember they both like to be kept in groups of 6+
guppies need to be all male, all female or at a ratio of 1m to 2/3f
guppies are notoriously weak through in breeding, take your time deciding and be careful you get a strong strain of fish
regular neon's are the same, black one's are a little stronger
i wouldn't recommend guppies or normal neon's as the first fish in a new tank, you need to make sure the tank's mature and has been running for about 6 months before you add them as they are quite susceptible to diseases and may not do well in a new tank.

hope that's not too much info, just wanted to give you a few pointers!! :D
Well the tank with the Guppys is a year old now and it only has Guppys and one of those little tiny catfish with the fat bellys, their all about 6wks old maybe 7 the Guppys that is, I have another tank which is 3ft and has the Tetras in but due to a break up :( I have to give that tank back so need to be able to put the Tetras in with the Guppys without them eating them because their my best fish the Guppys :wub:
Well the tank with the Guppys is a year old now and it only has Guppys and one of those little tiny catfish with the fat bellys, their all about 6wks old maybe 7 the Guppys that is, I have another tank which is 3ft and has the Tetras in but due to a break up :( I have to give that tank back so need to be able to put the Tetras in with the Guppys without them eating them because their my best fish the Guppys :wub:

yeah as long as there is room in the tank for all the fish they'll be fine togther, wasn't sure if you might be just starting out so thought I'd give a bit of info. :)
Thanks :D extra info is good but would I be better off trying to buy a cheap small tank for the moment and putting the water from the current tetra tank in their and putting them alone just incase they hurt the guppys?
Thanks :D extra info is good but would I be better off trying to buy a cheap small tank for the moment and putting the water from the current tetra tank in their and putting them alone just incase they hurt the guppys?

how big is the tank and how many of each do you have?

just putting the water in won't do them much good, you'd need to put the old filter media into the new filter if you set up a new tank.
I imagine with neon tetras you would be fine. I would stay clear of any larger tetras, however. I tried keeping guppies once and the Columbian tetras just terrorized them with fin nipping.

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