Tetra's Eye Red And Puffy


Fish Fanatic
Aug 23, 2011
Reaction score
SW burbs of Chicago
So I came home from work and my poor Tetra's eye is red and twice the size of his other one. I have no clue what this is or how this could have happened.

Other fish in the tank:
5 X-Ray Tetras
1 Glowfish
1 African Dwarf Frog
1 Black Mystery Snail

I did just put a new piece of driftwood in there within the past week along with some Java Moss.

Any help would be awesome!

Water parims?
Tank size?
Also Glofish are shoaling fish and like to be in bigger groups. something to think about when everything in the tank is better.
0 ammonia, 0 nitrite, 20 nitrate
its a 15G

It looks like pop-eye to me. The tetra was taken out and put into a hospital tank and am treating him with epsom salt at the moment. I also did a 50% water change on my 15G once I moved him.

Yes I know the Glowfish should be in shoals, but my wife wouldn't shut up about the fish in the LFS so I had to buy it for her...

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