Tetraodon mirius...did i spell it right?


Jun 9, 2005
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well ive always wanted one of these guys and so i was calling around for some dwarf puffers and the lfs told me all they had was congo puffers :D

so ive found a complete 30g setup for 110$ with stand. :dunno:

and was thinking, hey why not?i could easily get the space for one of these guys?

but i dont have the 30g yet so i was just askin how long could i keep a congo puffer in a 10g for?

as i prep the 30g?

its a juvenile no more than 3 inches at best.

also theres 3 oto's in the 10g right now.

should i put them in a 2.5 gallon bowl temporarly?

or will they survive?

:rofl: thanks for the future advice! :rofl:

and also please post as fast as possible since if it could work i plan to get the congo tmr, saturday.
Ottos = congo food.

Congo puffers hunt from the substrate and absoloutely can't have any tankmates. I think you could possibly keep one in the 10 gallon for a little while, however, how long would it be until the 30 gallon is set up?
Yes, in 10g for a short while, as long as it only is a SHORT while, and puffer freak is correct, those ottos would soon be food.

Be warned that congo puffers are sometimes VERY hard to get to eat anything other than live foods and you should see it eat in the store before you buy it.

The substrate MUST be sand as most congo puffers spent 90% of the time buried waiting for prey to walk or swim near.
alright i think ill go for it, the most itll spend in the 10g is a week until i prep.

ill put the oto's in a 2.5gallon bowl and leave the ghost shrimp in the 10g for the congo to eat :p
make certain you put an airstone and a handful of gravel from your old tank in that 2.5g bowl... otos aren't bettas and can't even begin to handle a week in an uncycled & unfiltered bowl.

and make certain you put in an algae wafer at least once a week for the otos; legend has it that if unfed for too long, the digestive bacteria in their intestine will die off and the otos will starve shortly thereafter.

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