Tetra Tec Ex700

phone them tomorrow , tell them how dissapointed you are, and i guarantee they will post you the spare parts that day!! They just take a while to answer emails. All the best, hope you get it sorted soon, Adam :good:
Well, you're entitled to your opinion, of course. It's the most solid impeller I've seen, how did it break?.

went to take it out to clean it and it was like that

phone them tomorrow , tell them how dissapointed you are, and i guarantee they will post you the spare parts that day!! They just take a while to answer emails. All the best, hope you get it sorted soon, Adam :good:

its a bit late mate if i was waiting on them my fish would be dead ive bought a new filter
who cares if their customer service is good if the filters are falling apart
i dont know what eheims customer service is like because ive never had to contact them in years of using their stuff
who cares if their customer service is good if the filters are falling apart
i dont know what eheims customer service is like because ive never had to contact them in years of using their stuff

Im only trying to help, i totally agree that Tetratecs are a budget filter, i myself also use Eheim, owning a Pro 3 2080 and Pro 3e 2078. Ive never had a problem with any of my Eheim equiptment up to now. :good:
The shafts are ceramic, and thus very sencitive to sideways pressure. Slight twist and it will snap, so you need to be very careful when cleaning it out or it will get damaged. The broken clips look glueable as a botch from the photo, but that won't be needed since clearly you have a new one. The tap damage isn't clear in the photo, but it does look like the filter is in a real state.

cane76, FYI IME Eheim customer service is c*~p. My Ecco broke, took 4 weeks for the replacement after they wrote it off... The replacement broke and it took them 3 weeks to refund me. I wrote to tell them of my dissapointment and they wrote back, saying the refunds usualy took that long due t "administrative delays". It's all computerised, they can BAX in 2 mins if they want... What delayed them???? BTW the times quoted are after they wrote to confirm recipt of the bust filter...

All the best
who cares if their customer service is good if the filters are falling apart
i dont know what eheims customer service is like because ive never had to contact them in years of using their stuff

Filters don't just fall apart. I've been using mine for eighteen months. ANY filter should be assembled/disassembled carefully, without force. Budget filter or not, these Tetratecs are not fragile. If the green taps that control the flow are forced, they will break, if they're not, they won't.
my 700 is far from being crap. Im not careful cleaning it at all and it is fine. im just thinking of replacing my rena xp3 with a 1200 as i love the self prime. the xp3 is soo annoying when you clean it as you alway have an air block ant it take time to remove it.

the fact yours has broken in almost every place i would say you have managed to get a really bad filter that has been abused in transit or your not cleaning/treating it right. I know the later may not be true it was just an thought. Just seems odd the whole thing is breaking. but sods law it does happen to the best of hardware

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