Tetra Shoal Size


New Member
Oct 24, 2010
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Hi Everyone

I have Juwel Rekord 120Litre tank and we've got 6 white fin tetra's. They look a bit lonely though, what size shoal do you think would be best? Would they shoal with another type of tetra - say Black skirt - or do they stick with their own kind so to speak?
Are there any other fish in the tank?
They might sort of shoal with other types but they will never shoal as tight as they will with there own type. I think 1 big shoal of 1 type looks alot better than a few shoals of different types. If theres no other fish you could have 20.
I would go for something like
15 White fin tetra
4 Geophagus iporangensis
1 Brisltenose plec
The white tip rosy tetra that I've had have never shoaled. Got 6 at first and one became dominant and controlled the front of the tank. If any of the others came into sight he would chase them away. He died and then another has taken his place in the peking order. No shoaling behaviour at all (maybe I didn't have a large enough group to display it???)

generally speaking different tetras don't shaol with each other, especially if they are obviosuly different in colour/appearance. You might see neons and cardinals doing it though, due to the very similar colouration they have.

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