Hello, this is my first post in this forum, nice to meet all of you!
I had four 20Gallon Tetra species tanks (1 black-skirt tetra tank, 1 Buenos Aires Tetra tank, 1 Columbian Tetra tank and 1 Black phantom tank, all containing 10 of each type) running for a while now. Well I sold each tank setup and got a 100Gallon tank(longer than deeper) fully equiped. So I cycled the tank blablabla........ so I mixed the Tetras in the new tank and the four goups at first they spread around no schooling I guess just to look at there new home. one week later they have not gotten back to there original crews/species (which I originally wanted), they have formed a mega 40 fish group. QUESTION, seeing that gave me an idea. If I do the research blablabla.......take out the nippy tetra species(ex:sarpae) can I just get 4 of every non nippy/aggressive tetra out in my fish store(I think there are 10 more different varieties left there) more since they aren't really following the best kept in 6 rule now. They aren't even schooling with there own? However, I'm also thinking its because they ahve never seen so much open free swimming water!lol. Do peacefull tetra species always school like this? Are they still adjusting after more than a week? Will other non-aggressive/peaceful fish like SOME species of rainbows, barbs, rams, mollies, platys, swordtails and danios, etc.... do the same? Again, after researching blablabla.....correct fish, will all peacefull fish school together in one single group like this?? Thanks in advance
I had four 20Gallon Tetra species tanks (1 black-skirt tetra tank, 1 Buenos Aires Tetra tank, 1 Columbian Tetra tank and 1 Black phantom tank, all containing 10 of each type) running for a while now. Well I sold each tank setup and got a 100Gallon tank(longer than deeper) fully equiped. So I cycled the tank blablabla........ so I mixed the Tetras in the new tank and the four goups at first they spread around no schooling I guess just to look at there new home. one week later they have not gotten back to there original crews/species (which I originally wanted), they have formed a mega 40 fish group. QUESTION, seeing that gave me an idea. If I do the research blablabla.......take out the nippy tetra species(ex:sarpae) can I just get 4 of every non nippy/aggressive tetra out in my fish store(I think there are 10 more different varieties left there) more since they aren't really following the best kept in 6 rule now. They aren't even schooling with there own? However, I'm also thinking its because they ahve never seen so much open free swimming water!lol. Do peacefull tetra species always school like this? Are they still adjusting after more than a week? Will other non-aggressive/peaceful fish like SOME species of rainbows, barbs, rams, mollies, platys, swordtails and danios, etc.... do the same? Again, after researching blablabla.....correct fish, will all peacefull fish school together in one single group like this?? Thanks in advance