Tetra Safe Start


Fish Fanatic
Oct 29, 2006
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Hi Guys, I am a newbie when it comes to tropical fish, i have just bought a 65 litre tank and added all the gravel, rocks plants etc. i have also filled it with water and added tetra Safe Start, which said that it allowed you to add fish straight away. The next day, after leaving the filter and heater on for a whole day and night i purchased 5 tetra neons. They seem to be fine, and it has now been a week so i bought 3 Julli Cory cats and 3 peppered cory cats.

howver after i bought them i bought some various equipment from an aquatics outlet and the perosn there said that i should not have added any fish 4 at least 2 weeks even though i had used Tetra Safe Start to be on the safe side.

Is this correct? I thought i could add fish right away as the tetra safe start said you could. Pls help!!


Sam :D
Some people like to let the tank sit for a few weeks with no fish in it. This is a mistaken belief that the bacteria that will slowly build up to break down fish waste (if you don't know what I am talking about I suggest you read some of the pinned topics on cycling). This good bacteria will only build up if there is ammonia (basically fish waste) for it to break down. Just letting the tank run for two weeks with nothing in it would serve no purpose unless you were doing a fishless cycle (another topic you can read about).
So do you think what i have done is ok?

Cheers for your advice.
Hi there i believe u have to cycle so therfore its best u read the links to cycling as suggested...however i did make the same mistake when i first started and rushed out to buy fish all i can say is not so many survived...its best that u dont know buy ANY fish untill yr tank has cycled
take care
ok thanks. I think the tera Safe Start is misleading as it says you can add fish almost right away one you have added it your water.

I hope my fish are ok. Neons have been in a week so far, and the 6 cory cats a couple of days. (fingers crossed).

I think it is woth me buying all the relevant test kits for Ammonia Nitrite and Nitrate, to make sure everything is in order.

Regards Sam

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