Oh....i'll see what I can dig up
Here Snaz. Though i would show you the difference the ferts made on my tank. This was with the exact ferts that I mentioned to you
I am currently using Tetraplant Florapride and API Root Tabs. The Tetraplant is a liquid you just dose into the tank one a month and the root tabs you put under the substrate. I try to put the tabs under the plant itself.
Thanks. I'll look into that.
um snaze off topic a bit but the powerhead in the tank have you a small platic see through nozzle on it cant see in th epics and you need that
Where is the see through nozzle supposed to go and how does it look like?
if you're looking for decent ferts in Ireland, these have just started doing Amano stuff.
Look at #16 of this thred at my APS tank, on the end of the power head you can just make out a little plastic nozzle about 2 inch long. If you plug this on the end of the power head it forces more water upwards through the media, without it it still works but it so weak
I am wondering, should I now put full dose of ammonia, or maybe just half until some of the nitrItes go down
I am wondering, should I now put full dose of ammonia, or maybe just half until some of the nitrItes go down
I wouldn't let the nitrite build up excessively so I'd half dose.
I am currently using Tetraplant Florapride and API Root Tabs. The Tetraplant is a liquid you just dose into the tank one a month and the root tabs you put under the substrate. I try to put the tabs under the plant itself.
Thanks. I'll look into that.
um snaze off topic a bit but the powerhead in the tank have you a small platic see through nozzle on it cant see in th epics and you need that
Where is the see through nozzle supposed to go and how does it look like?
Look at #16 of this thred at my APS tank, on the end of the power head you can just make out a little plastic nozzle about 2 inch long. If you plug this on the end of the power head it forces more water upwards through the media, without it it still works but it so weak
Is your flowing out your spray bar full force or that trickle?
I mean the actual spray bars that sit above each media tray