Tetra Problem?


May 24, 2010
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Hey everyone,

I just started a 20 gallon tank, did a fish-less cycle, and got six silver tippped tetra's. At first they seemed good, but then they started chasing each other around, and body checking each other. I seem to have got four males and two female's :(, so they are always chasing the females! In a few weeks I am planning on getting Cardinal Tetra's, but now i'm really not so sure. Do you think they will be bullied non stop?
My boy friend is freaking out- he thinks that the Cardinals will all die of stres...

Any advice would be amazing.

Thankyou so much,

Zophie :rolleyes:
If you have actually completed a fishless cycle I would merely monitor your new fish additions. In the long run your methods, including your set up, will either be vindicated or you will learn from it. Either way you are on the road to a proper fishless cycle.
I think the cardinals will be fine. My silver tips only chase each other. Sometimes their just as calm as my neons.
If you have actually completed a fishless cycle I would merely monitor your new fish additions. In the long run your methods, including your set up, will either be vindicted or you will learn from it. Either way you are on the road to a proper fishless cycle.

If you have actually completed a fishless cycle I would merely monitor your new fish additions. In the long run your methods, including your set up, will either be vindicated or you will learn from it. Either way you are on the road to a proper fishless cycle.
Sorry OldMan, but I didn't quite understand your post.... I wasn't actually asking about fishless cycling, I was asking about aggresive tetras.

I think the cardinals will be fine. My silver tips only chase each other. Sometimes their just as calm as my neons.
Okay, Mystus. Thanks for the reply. The Cardinal's may be fine, but I am worried about the GBR 's that I plan on putting in my aquarium. Do you think that the Silver tips would try and nip there fins?


Tetras are notorious for chasing etc - as long as you keep them in a big enough schoal they will keep it amongst themselves. It's all to do with the hierarchy within the schoal. You may like to add a few more females so that the chasing etc is spread evenly.

As for your GBR's they will be fine. They are awsome little characters and can be quite fiesty so one will mess with them!! LOL
Tetras are notorious for chasing etc - as long as you keep them in a big enough schoal they will keep it amongst themselves. It's all to do with the hierarchy within the schoal. You may like to add a few more females so that the chasing etc is spread evenly.

As for your GBR's they will be fine. They are awsome little characters and can be quite fiesty so one will mess with them!! LOL
Okay,thanks for that advice, Gilli. I thought that might be the case, but I have herd story''s about evil silver-tips.... so, I was a little worried!

Yup, often these fish will fight amongst each other, usually it causes no damage. If they are harming other fish the conditions need to improve, as mentioned, increasing the number of fish might help.

I also have 4 Silvertip tetra's which I think are mental. I bought a Molly today and the tetra's chased
him and from what I can see attacked him.

My Neon go into hiding and I am convinced it is because the Silvertip keep chasing them too.

Am considering swapping Silvertip for Neon. They seem to be a bit more calmer.

Anyone else had problems with Silvertip's?????????


I also have 4 Silvertip tetra's which I think are mental. I bought a Molly today and the tetra's chased
him and from what I can see attacked him.

My Neon go into hiding and I am convinced it is because the Silvertip keep chasing them too.

Am considering swapping Silvertip for Neon. They seem to be a bit more calmer.

Anyone else had problems with Silvertip's?????????

I just found out that I can't swap the fish with the store, I've had them to long, and I don't have anyone to give them to:(
The bad thing is that some people say they will be fine, and some people say they will be great :crazy:

Many tetras are egg scatterers, I am not sure about your particular species, and having males chasing females is quite normal. I am sorry but I have no more information for you Zophie. I am really a livebearer specialist who dabbles in water chemistry, hence my presence in this forum.
Many tetras are egg scatterers, I am not sure about your particular species, and having males chasing females is quite normal. I am sorry but I have no more information for you Zophie. I am really a livebearer specialist who dabbles in water chemistry, hence my presence in this forum.
Oh, Don't worry OM :nod:

A few weeks ago I solved the problem :band:

I went out and bought my 2nd fish, six sunset Platy's. I was a little iffy on if the mix was going to work, but I was not dissapointed :hooray:
The Silver-tips almost seem afraid of the Platy's, maybe because they are bigger. Ans so anyway, when I put the Platy's in, the Silver-tips suddenly became really calm, and only ocassionly chase each other, and when they see a Platy coming, they ameditly stop and act nice :yahoo:
Yesterday I went out and got my last fish, a pare of Electric Blue Rams, well my male has now become officially king of the tank- He is actually quite aggresive, but keeps everyone nicely in order....

I've got six silver tipped tetras. I love em, they chase each other but leave my bolivian rams alone. I going to add another 6 tetras soon (though I've nonidea how they will react to newcomers!)

Shaman Dan
I've got 4 Serpae Tetras and they want to tear strips off each other sometimes... it's awesome watching them face up against each other and then lunge in for a hit and chase to the other end of the tank and back :hyper:

the females seem to be the most tetchy.. 3 of them are females. the male just wants to stay out of the way :lol:
Yeah, I have started to really love my Silver-tips. They have so much zest :p
Mine sort of body-check each other, it's really funny :lol:

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