Tetra Prime


Nov 3, 2009
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I've just about used up my remaining Nutrafin Aqua Plus and I have a bottle of Tetra Prime to start using. I usually leave tap water in a bucket to dechlorinate for 24 hours after adding Nutrafin Aqua Plus, although in the past I have read on these forums that dechlorinator works in virtually no time at all; I like to err on the side of caution. That said, after adding Tetra Prime to a bucket of tap water, how long is it advisable to leave it for? Personally, I'd prefer to stick with 24 hours because that's what I'm comfortable with (I really don't want to cause any problems for my fish or stress myself out worrying). The bucket gets covered with a wooden board to prevent dust, etc, from falling into it during the 24 hours (no heater or aeration in the bucket either).
All dechlorinators work instantly, you can put the bucket of dechlorinated water straight away. Just make sure the water is roughly the same temperature as the tank. I always put dechlorinated water in straight away and I've never had a problem in 17 years. I couldn't cope with several buckets of water standing overnight for 3 tanks.
I assume you mean Prime by Seachem? Tetra don't make a product called prime.
essjay said:
All dechlorinators work instantly, you can put the bucket of dechlorinated water straight away. Just make sure the water is roughly the same temperature as the tank. I always put dechlorinated water in straight away and I've never had a problem in 17 years. I couldn't cope with several buckets of water standing overnight for 3 tanks.
I assume you mean Prime by Seachem? Tetra don't make a product called prime.
Yes, I do mean Prime by Seachem - thought Tetra Prime sounded a bit off when I did a Google search on the topic. Thanks for the reply.
Dechlorinators work instantly, you really have nothing to gain by leaving the water to stand.
I use seachem prime. I have to take out roughly 140liters each week on my water change. If i left that to stand for 24hrs id hav buckets everywhere lol. As others have said,dechlorinator works straight away. U have nothing to worry about.
Another quick question, since I get quite worried about these things and don't want a repeat of last year when I lost fish because of a previous misjudgement on replacing biofilter media...
I'm far more comfortable with leaving water standing for 24 hours since it ties me to cleaning my tank the following day. I replace 10 litres out of a 40-45 litre tank once a week, first removing 8-10 litres then putting the replacement water in. I've used the Seachem Prime in this bucket of water, but something like 1.5ml-2ml, and I know I only really need 0.25ml for 10 litres. I'm using pipettes rather than the cap or a syringe, and I'd rather err on the side of caution and go above rather than below - I'm not sure how accurate the pipettes are. I'm now worried that this is an overdose for the fish tank, and that when I put it in I'll harm the fish. Is it an issue, or will my fish be fine? I mean, if I were to be dosing to deal with ammonia I'd need two times the dosage anyway according to the instructions...
It is very difficult to overdose on dechlorinator, at least to the detriment of the fish. Of course, overdosing is a waste of dechlorinator, so it's more economical to use the right amount.

The best thing to use for measuring are little 1ml syringes. You can buy them very cheaply online or at your chemists (they sell them for dosing children's medicines).

As the other posters have said, it really is a waste of time and storage space leaving your water to stand. That method was common when I first started fishkeeping because we didn't use dechlorinators, so we had to let the water stand to let the chlorine gas off. On the other hand, if it works for you, it won't be doing any harm.
When I leave water out I'm more worried that the temperature isn't going to match the tank since usually my room is 5-10 degrees cooler and my kitchen is 10-20 degrees cooler than my tank water. Thats why I always put it in immediatly.
My bottle of dechlorinator says up to 10x the reccomended dosage can be used safely.
I also have 1mL plastic pipettes that I got online for a couple dollars.

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