tetra needs help


New Member
Apr 1, 2004
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My thanks to those who responded to my initial post about my rather large black neon. No porcupine action with the scales, just way too large. This happened to him once before, although not as severe, and he somehow went back to normal size. I added 4 hatchets about a month ago and his condition started two weeks ago...any correlation? Hope the photo helps those who know much more than me. Thanks in advance. D *First time trying to upload a photo...if it doesn't work, I'll try again later. Thanks to all of you who tolerate fools and newbies.


  • swollen__6_.jpg
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When I read your post, I was thinking "probably just a female carrying eggs/an over eater etc"... OMG I've never seen that! I don't know how to help you but I'm grateful that you posted it with a picture so I can find out right along side you :)

one of my guppies died a few weeks back - he had an increasingly large belly for about a week before he went. i went to my lfs who said it was more than likely some kind of bowel obstruction/really bad constipation even tho she agreed i'd been feeding fine, not over feeding, good foods, etc. she said they either get better or they don't - just a guess but maybe this is what's up with ur neon. it would explain y when he had it once before he got over it, coz that can happen. i would stop feeding for a few days and see if this helps at all.. it didn't help my guy :( but i was told it can. otherwise, maybe it's a tumour of some kind but i'm not real sure how fast they grow or how they look or anything, maybe someone else can help u with info on that....goodluck :)
Thanks to all of you who took the time to respond to my post. He is eating normally and swimming normally (for someone his size & shape). If I stop feeding for a few days, I assume I'd have to sequester him from the tank population so they can be fed as normal. If I want to put him down and stop any possible suffering, how do I go about it. I can't do the toilet flush thing. I heard putting them in a shot glass of vodka will result in instant death...any truth to that or is there a better way...I don't want him to linger this way and eventually die. Thanks in advance.
hi there sorry about your fish. we have 3 neons who are in a similar state although not quite so large. we've treated for dropsy twice & they look a little smaller round the middle so we're in a similar dilemma about what to do with ours too. they dont look uncomfortable but we think they must be.
please dont flush your fish that is an extremely cruel thing to do & it will suffer. check out the humane ways of euthanasia in the post above.
when I read it I thought preggers female. my Reaction when I saw the pic was 'Holy.. Something' I would watch it and see what happens. If it acts normal then it might be constipated, bloated and it might deflate but if not I would euthanize it. :(
As always...thanks for your concern and information. My neon is still acting normal...I'll keep you posted. Thank you again for being there and taking the time to respond. D.
Again, thanks to all who responded. I took the euthanasia path with my black neon. He didn't respond to medication and kept getting larger to the point of no return. As they say in parts of Italy, "He sleeps with the fishes now". He brought me 4 years of viewing pleasure and I will miss him. I never thought I could get attached to a fish, but life often proves one wrong.

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