Tetra Lifespan

In the right conditions, small softwater and even blackwater species, like Neons and Cardinals will also live to 5 years or more. As with many soft water fish kept in hard water, the internal electrolyte balance becomes more difficult to maintain in water which contains a lot of disolved salts. The organ that suffers the most is the kidney which has to work extra hard to get rid of excess ions, as a result it wears out more quickly then it otherwise would, killing the fish.

Blackwater fish kept in tapwater usually only live 2-3 years, the closer the water conditions in the tank are to those the fish evolved in, the longer the life expectancy. In general, a fish kept in ideal conditions in a stress free tank will live longer then wild specimens.

It is therefore difficult to precisely answer the question, but the figures in Mystix post are fairly typical.

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