tetra Fish


New Member
Jan 8, 2005
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I have my first aquarium. I bought four Tetra fish, Is it unusual for one of the tetras to chase the others behind the decorations. It seems to me that they are not eating, and never come out from behind them. any ideas about what to do would be appreciated.
:hi: to the forum. Introduce yourself in the newbie section. :D

There are many many species of tetra, so you will have to clarify what type of fish it is. Can you get pictures or give a description of them?

How big is the tank? How long have you had the fish?

Is one fish herding all of the fish to one place, or are the all together? They normally have little scuffles to set up a pecking order, or hierarchy.
I have had them about one week. The aquarium is 20 gal. I have no idea what kind the fish are. 2 blue 2 pink about 1 inch long. I took the one out and put into a bowl so the others would eat. should I leave them together. When I bought them they were in the same tank. Thanks.
Hmm, that description did not help. :/

Two blue, well I have never seen any truly blue tetras. Are they part blue and part something else? I am thinking cardinal or neon tetras...


Neither is pink, though...

As for food, does one chase them away from it or hog it?

From experience, I know that fish do not do well in bowls, even for a few hours. I would suggest placing it back in and adding other fish of the same species, since the bully might stop attacking them. A better way to quarantine a fish is to get a quarantine tank, about 5-10 gallons, if yu can afford it.

What are you feeding your fish?

I take it you are brand new to the hobby. If so, you might want to check out the pinned articles on cycling and whatnot in the beginners forum. :D
2 blue and 2 pink, thats pretty vague all i can think of is neons, assuming they are tetras.
I looked up the websites you sent, my fish doesn't look like either. I am feeding them cichlid gold. Thats what they told me to. hope its right.
Oh, then they must be cichlids, not tetras...

Do you have a receipt? It should say what they are.

If they are cichlids, then there are so many possibilities...


Got to freshwater fish. Then go to tetras, see if they are there. If not, go to the cichlid page and look there.
I can't find my reciept but I will call the pet store tomorrow. I put the fish from the bowl back into the aquarium. when I find out the name I will post it. Thanks so much for your patience.
No worries.

If they are cichlids, then it definitely explains why one would be bullying the others. It is a much more prevalent thing in cichlids than in tetras, and adding more fish would make things worse if they are cichlids. :/
is it possible they could be danios? the pink ones anyway seeing as they are small fishes and in sort of the same league as tetras if you know what i mean. cichlids are way more different to tetras!
Is the tank cycled? If you are completely new to fish, read through the first three links in my signature.

I suppose the one about fishless cycling won't help now but it's still good to see what you should have done before getting any fish.

Could the 'pink' one be a harlequin rasbora? Do a google search.

If you have anything other than cichlids, you shouldn't be feeding cichlid food :p

If they turn out to be cichlids, you may find you need to get rid of them or get a larger tank. Most are aggressive and get pretty big. Just so you know :)

Hmm... any chance they may be 'jellybeans' or 'jellybean parrots'?
I went to the pet store today and she called them strawberry and blueberry tetras.
Lynz781 said:
Oh my god! they are dyed!!!!!
Yes i was goin to say that, probably white skirt tetras, which are normally dyed, i had a pink and blue one once,t hey died the same night i got them *sigh* , i havent gotten anymore since, damn dyed fish lol

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