Testing water questions


Fish Fanatic
Jul 9, 2004
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O.K. I see on here all the time where u all say my levels r at 0...I have a ammonia test kit, but the problem I have is u have to compare the color that the test tube full of the tank water against a color chart, and in every room of my house it reads a different color(due to the lighting)I can't tell if it is at 0 or .25...my question is, is there a test out there that will give u the readings in a numeric result...or anything easier that i can do?
My test kit says to look at it in strong sunlight wherever possible
hope thats some help to you
First try not to test in a lighted room where the light is a yellow or orange tint. As for better test kits, i use a master test strip kit. It doesn't involve any drops or test tubes, just test strips you dip in the aquarium water which displays various colours based on results. I like it much better than liquid tests, but it is more expensive. Here's an example of one.

Thanks for the the link. My LFS suggested I test the ammonia level, and I bought a kit, which honestly scares me to death. It has three solutions which are to be dropped into a test tube of water. I don't mind the test tube of water, but the solutions are pretty scary (one has a skull and crossbones for heaven sakes!). And my current kit was $11 USD, so I find the price of the strips very comparable.

Thanks again. I'm learning so much from the board.

Once I got used to the liquid kits they were ok. One way to help is to hold the bottle against the card. Mine has space for it on the right so its easy to compare to the color bars on the left. I started out with the test strips but found I was spending a lot of $$$ for the replacement strips. They are just as accurate though and if u dont like the liquid tests they work fine.

Heres a link to mine from (shudder) Pet Smart

And here are the strips


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