Testing Kits


Fish Herder
Dec 8, 2008
Reaction score
Surrey England
I am completely new to fish keeping so consider me clueless :fun: :blink: Test kits i went to my local fish place rattled of a list of stuff I wanted and the nice lady gave me the bill :hyper:

Any ways being on here (TFF) everyday now, I now read everything ! :blink: and i sort of got the idea that liquid test kits are proffered by you good people in the know verses the strip kits ?

Guess what I got :shout:

I guess you live you learn lol your views appreciated
The API is the most common one on this site but any of the liquid reagent based kits will give adequate results. Things like test kits never come from my LFS. They mark up the prices way too much for my liking. That is exactly the kind of thing best bought on line at places like ebay. My API master kit cost me about $20 with shipping included. The LFS thinks they are worth over $30 plus tax. BTW the prices I am used to in dollars seem to be the same numbers you see in GBP. I don't know why but the numbers are the same even though the foreign exchange rates say that they should be quite different.
thanks for that ill have a look around for a api kit :good:

Okay found this one what do you think is this what I need?

API Freshwater Master Liquid Test Kit

Complete Kit for Testing Tap Water & Aquarium Water

Kit contains:-

pH (6.0 to 7.6) (250 tests)

High Range pH (7.4 to 8.8) (160 tests)

Ammonia (75 tests)

Nitrite (180 tests)

Nitrate (90 tests)

Step by Step instruction booklet

Water resistant colour charts

Four glass Test Tubes with snap-tight caps in holders

£17.99 plus £3.99 p&p
Thats the one I and dozens of others on here swear by. Its a great test kit.
Thank you I will purchise. :good:
Would you mind letting me know where you found the kit for that price ?I am a complete newbie and will be starting to set up my aquarium after Christmas and will be needing the water testing kit for then. Good luck with your set up. :good:
Thanks for posting the link onebto. I am also planning to get this test kit since many have said how good it is. :kana:

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