Test water strips


New Member
Mar 5, 2017
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United Kingdom
I have recently got tropical fish 2 balloon mollies, 1 sucker fish, 3 glow light tetras & a baby female guppy my tank is a 60 litre tank I just tested the water can anyone tell me if the water is ok? will post a pic of the test water strip I used.


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We can't really tell from just the strip without any scale to compare it to!

Do your strips include a test for ammonia? If they don't, you need to get an ammonia test kit as soon as possible; ammonia is the first toxin that can build up in an uncycled tank.

If you see any positive result for ammonia or nitrite, you need to do an immediate, large, water change, making sure the new water is warmed and dechlorinated.

You will need to test at least once a day, maybe twice if either of those toxins rises very quickly, and be prepared for large water changes. There is no safe level, of either of those two toxins; even a trace amount can make fish very sick, or even kill them.

One other point; do you know what species your 'sucker fish' is? There are hundreds of fish sold under that description and most of them are not suitable for a tank of that size. If you're not sure, post a picture and we can identify it for you :)
Ohh ok & not sure if it does it tastes for a lot of stuff & ok then will make sure I do a water change & not to sure I will post a pic also does my female balloon molly look pregnant? will send a pic of her


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Hmm, I can't actually tell what species your sucker fish is, from that picture; could you try and get another one? (I know it's really herd to take pictures of fish, sorry!)

You can assume that all female livebearers are pregnant, all the time (they can store sperm, so can continue getting pregnant, even if there are no males present). They don't need any special treatment (nor do the fry), apart from good quality water and plants for the fry to hide in, so you don't need to worry too much :)
I have tried but it's too fast at the moment & ohh ok then & the 2 female balloon mollies keep chasing each other around is that normal? & will send a pic of my other 1 she isn't half as big as the other 1 though.


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There are a number different manufactures of strips. We would need to know the brand and see the scale on the bottle. Your strip however likely does not test for Ammonia. The Ammonia strips I have seen require at least a 10 second exposure to water to get a reading. None Ammonia strips however only need 1/2 second. For that reason there are no ammonia, nitrite, all in one test strips available.

Also we don't know which pad tests for which chemical in your photo. That is why we need to see the scale which should have that listed.

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