Test Kits Yes Or No

the biffster

Moved On
May 10, 2010
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how many people do you know that keep fish
and don't have a water testing kit
or put it this way how many people
feel that it is unnecessary to have
a test kit and think whats the point
I've kept fish for 17 years and never owned a testing kit until I did my first fishless cycle earlier this year (and TBH I never/rarely use the kit now). I suppose it's useful to have to check tanks but in my opinion not necessary provided you clean regularly then it's fine :)
i have kept fish for a long time
25+ years and would never be without
a test kit
I do have a testing kit,every so often i do test the water to make sure its ticking along ok,especially if i've added new fish or cleaned the externals out. :)
i have a KH test kit and an Ammonia test, i have used the KH kit 3 or 4 times and the ammonia one twice (in 3 years).

I use my plants as my test kits.
i think a lot of tanks would be in much better condition if test kits werent so expensive.
which test kits do you find the the best
and which are the easiest ones to use i used tetra for
years but then to went to API
Personally I think a test kit is essential for new fish keepers and handy for established keepers alike.

I have a test kit, but only ever test for Nitrate now :good:

I feel a bit out of my league commenting on general questions with seasoned fish keepers but I got my first tank about 3 months ago and now have 3. I started off using the tetra 6in1 test strips but found them not that accurate on results, I now use the Tetra single tests ( the dropplet ones ) bloody expensive to get them all initially but far more accurate.
I feel a bit out of my league commenting on general questions with seasoned fish keepers but I got my first tank about 3 months ago and now have 3. I started off using the tetra 6in1 test strips but found them not that accurate on results, I now use the Tetra single tests ( the dropplet ones ) bloody expensive to get them all initially but far more accurate.

you might find API master test kit cheaper
in the long run there cheap enough on that
very well known auction site the name eludes
me at this moment in time
I feel a bit out of my league commenting on general questions with seasoned fish keepers but I got my first tank about 3 months ago and now have 3. I started off using the tetra 6in1 test strips but found them not that accurate on results, I now use the Tetra single tests ( the dropplet ones ) bloody expensive to get them all initially but far more accurate.

Every member is valued on the forum, regardless of experiance. And your input is just as good and helpful as anyone elses. :good:


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