Test Kit Readings


New Member
Sep 9, 2003
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South Africa
Good Morning

Has anybody experienced a discrepency between Test Kits?

For the ammonia test i have two test kits one manufactured by Interpet and the other Nutrafin (Hagen).
The problem is that the Hagen kit gives me a reading of 0.4 mg/l and the Nutrafin Kit gives me a reading of 0.0mg/l at the same time.

Which kit do i trust? and why?

Thank You Nod
A false negative is far more likely than a false positive, and tests vary in their sensitivity, so if any test shows ammonia, believe it.

If test kits are not kept in ideal conditions, or if they run out of date they can stop working, so always check the expiry dates. I find the Hagen tests very reliable and I can't speak for the Nutrifin test. Why not ask your LFS to check your water as a double-check?

Also, if you have fish in there you can go by their behaviour - don't slavishly believe the chemistry sets.
The fish look happy.

But i think i will get a double check with the LFS.

Thank you

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