Tess And Her Angels


New Member
Jan 2, 2012
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So today is the first day I reall got to sit back and take a look at what my husband gave me for Christmas.. After a 100 gallon and a 150 breaking on me in 2 days he bought me this beautifull 75 gallon tank! Initially I went nuts with the first tank and bought guppies, mollies, zebras, gourami etc...thankfully I have 2 daughters who were more than thrilled with their 30 and 40 gallon tanks that conveniently appeared after my tanks broke and got th new one! So now we have 7 tanks in the house... Lol...needless to say I decided to go with an angel tank. I have the following in the tank..
8x angels
3x gold gourami
5x silver dollars
1x red fin shark
2x African cat fish
2x albino cat fish
1x blue dwarf gourami

Planning on getting a 200 gallon tank within the next year to accommodate this groaning community.

So now my wonderful journey begins! Thank you for the best gift my darling husband!
Ps...if you need me, you will find me in front of my aquarium!

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