Terry's Tank And Journal

So i got an anemone about a month ago.. The guy at the petstore and from what i've read on the internet said clownfish won't probably host a Condy Anemone.. but so far mine are... infact im worried about them being stung so the anemone will probably be changed for another soon. I got the Condy cause I believe its a good anemone 2 start with, and since I have no corals yet I don't worry about it. So here is a pic of that with the sea urchin in the background.

Today I got myself a yellow tang and probably is my last fish till i get all my rocks and start adding corals. It was great everybody came out 2 meet him :p

and within the first few minutes he got his very first cleaning :good: disinfection complete :sick: haha


Lol, looks like your urchin took care of your algae problem :D
yeah my urchin had a lot 2 eat :) infact some friends say he has grown... I really love my little porcupine haha :good:
also, I got my UV sterilizer in the tank today... Should I only turn it on if ever (hope don't) notice a problem? like ich or an infection?
I got it as a backup.. just incase... unless someone tells me otherwise i'll keep it off until i notice something... sound good?
Mine runs 24/7, better to catch the problem before it manifests itself IMO :good:
I've notived I have lots of pods in my tank... Amphipods... fields of them.. i check out my tank with a red flashlight at night... would my UV kill them off? I've heard they are quite good.
what lighting u running ter? just wondered it looks nice and bright in there :)
love the urchine i have a long spine aswell and a pencil urchine :)
looking good so far :)
UV will slow the population of amphipods, but a wrasse, basslet, or clownfish will do a better job at dwindling your ampipods than a UV will ;)
what lighting u running ter? just wondered it looks nice and bright in there :)
love the urchine i have a long spine aswell and a pencil urchine :)
looking good so far :)

I have PC's with a moon light.. and two new MH behind them 2 x 250
about 10 watts per gallon

You have prob said this some where in your posts, but just wondered what size tank you have?

Ok, well I’m tired of my tank looking like a science experiment gone wrong! With 3 PH, UV serializer, skimmer, Heaters, Filter for carbon, PO4 reactor remover!!!!!!!!

I’ve decided that maybe I should go the way of a sump. Oh and yes I had read just about everywhere that when starting a marine tank, a sump is a big plus. I selected to ignore that figuring I’ll deal with problems one at a time, oh boy was I wrong! If I could go back I’d drill that tank in half a second. Maybe someone will learn from reading this post, but probably not (ha-ha).

So I have two options (I think) to drill the tank anyways and hope for the best, or overflow. Both my options have major drawbacks, my tank already mostly established wouldn’t deal well with a large mistake drilling wise. I maybe an engineer but I’m a computer engineer tools scare me & I scare tools, and well I break things. Now for the overflow, if it’s humanly possible for things to go wrong they will (Murphy’s Law).

------That’s being said can an overflow be as safe or safer? Like a drilled tank?
------At this point what are my real options?
------What would you do?
Overflow box and an over-sized pump with a bunch of appropriate valves on it to tweak the flowrate. If the overflow is operating near maximum flowrate its actually safer than if its operating really slowly. Simple reason, bubbles will get blown through the U-tube when the water is moving fast enough and thus prevent syphon loss from excess bubbles.
If there's one thing CPR makes well, its their overflow box. Thats pretty much the part that made them famous in the reefkeeping scene. I'd go with the 600gph model. Then the question, how far below your tank is the sump?

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