Temps And Cory's


PleC & CorY MaD
May 4, 2008
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hi all need a little advice pretty much know wot im going 2 do but would like advice on alternatives :)

rite wanna put a few corys in with some discus ...i know sterbai are fine with the temp discus need becasue ive done it and they lived very happy lives but im im curious which other cory's would with stand that sort of temp nicely and just as happy as sterbai do :)

any advice is greatly appreiciated :)

thanx jen
At the warmer end of the scale, you have the likes of Adolfoi (24-28), Panda (24-28), Emerald (22-27), Three Lined Cory (22-28), Asian Striped cat (22-28), Striped Raphael cat (24-30), Farlowella (25-30).

All temps are in celcius by the way :D
At the warmer end of the scale, you have the likes of Adolfoi (24-28), Panda (24-28), Emerald (22-27), Three Lined Cory (22-28), Asian Striped cat (22-28), Striped Raphael cat (24-30), Farlowella (25-30).

All temps are in celcius by the way :D

i really was looking for experience tbh i know wot temps they can with stand but i wanna know how comforatble certain cory's would be from expereience of doing not just wot they are supposed 2 be able 2 tollerate pretty much saying goldfish can with stand high tropical temp but it doesnt actually mean its good for them and if the cory's arent comfy with the discus temp then i wouldnt put them in ......also as far as im aware tho panda's prefer a cooler temp(maybe wrong)...anyways i never listen 2 guide temps from different sites (normally wrong and differ so much) hence y i always prefer actuall experience.

1 other thing wasnt aware farlowella , asain striped cat or raphael cats were corys :p not sure if u ment the twig catfish but im pretty sure thses wont tollerate discus temps anyways :unsure:

thanx for ur reply tho :)

Hey Jen, Ive had albinos in temps up to 29, (what you keeping the discus at?) used to keep them with bettas and they seemed perfectly happy at that temp.

I agree dont think the panda would cope well on the higher end of the scale, but albys were all I kept before I got the troop from you, now they're all at 25, including the albys as they moved into the cory camp :)

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