So, I'm doing a bit of fish sitting for someone I know. Their bowl seems to have been neglected for a time, and I'd like to get him spotless (naturally).
He's got 2 ghost shrimp keeping him company in a 1.5g to 2g bowl (I can't quite gauge it yet). The tank itself is totally empty but for substrate, and I observed him chasing around a ghost shrimp quite aggressively -- to the point where the shrimp threw itself against the bowl's wall and got stuck. Luckily, I was nearby when it happened, so he was stranded only a few seconds. I added a terra cotta pot to make for an easy hidey-hole for the shrimp. I'll be adding java moss in a few minutes for even more hiding spaces and a place for the betta to have a seat.
SO, my question.... I suspect the bowl is filthy. I'm not sure that it'd be a good idea to put both betta and shrimp through a 100% water change. I'm thinking of doing many partial water changes all in a row, perhaps simply twice a day, for a couple days. The problem is really the substrate, it hides so much gunk that it's nearly impossible to get clean, armed with only a turkey baster. Do you think it'd be best for my house guests for me to just bag them, totally clean the bowl and refurbish it with silk/real plants and a proper hidey, or do you think I should be gradual about it? I think the person I'm fish sitting for wouldn't mind if I redecorated the bowl, handed it back, and said, "There, all better." I almost suspect they'll be happy. *shrug*
I've had him only a short time, about a day or so, and I woke up this morning to him having built a huge bubble nest.
He's the guy I mentioned in the heater thread, who frequently goes through massive temperature changes. Since my room is quite even for bowls, he's probably quite happy right now.
He's afraid of me when I feed him.
I feel a little sorry for him. His owner's road is paved with good intentions.
He's got 2 ghost shrimp keeping him company in a 1.5g to 2g bowl (I can't quite gauge it yet). The tank itself is totally empty but for substrate, and I observed him chasing around a ghost shrimp quite aggressively -- to the point where the shrimp threw itself against the bowl's wall and got stuck. Luckily, I was nearby when it happened, so he was stranded only a few seconds. I added a terra cotta pot to make for an easy hidey-hole for the shrimp. I'll be adding java moss in a few minutes for even more hiding spaces and a place for the betta to have a seat.
SO, my question.... I suspect the bowl is filthy. I'm not sure that it'd be a good idea to put both betta and shrimp through a 100% water change. I'm thinking of doing many partial water changes all in a row, perhaps simply twice a day, for a couple days. The problem is really the substrate, it hides so much gunk that it's nearly impossible to get clean, armed with only a turkey baster. Do you think it'd be best for my house guests for me to just bag them, totally clean the bowl and refurbish it with silk/real plants and a proper hidey, or do you think I should be gradual about it? I think the person I'm fish sitting for wouldn't mind if I redecorated the bowl, handed it back, and said, "There, all better." I almost suspect they'll be happy. *shrug*
I've had him only a short time, about a day or so, and I woke up this morning to him having built a huge bubble nest.
He's afraid of me when I feed him.