

New Member
Apr 27, 2005
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I am having a big problem, with the weather being so hot the temperature keeps rising on the tank, there for we lost a fish this morning as the temperature went up to 30 degrees, we have been out today, we put cold water in the tank to cool it down but we have just arrived home and the temperature is 29 degrees. HELP !
What can i do.
My tank is 81F at the moment, unfortunately there aint a lot i can do but as of yet the fish have been fine. I have been adding colder, tap safe'd water periodically but with the room temperature being so high naturally the water is too. Altho 81F, IME, thats stil (just) a safe temp for tropicals, obviously depending on ur stock..

81 is hardly hot! Just a sunny day in the amazon!
my tanks up staies in my room have been at 84 during the day for a few days now.

once it starts getting past that I'll have to think about more ventilation.
Hi, I had the same problem, my tank was at the normal 26degrees then shot up to 28degrees. What I do is turn off my tank lights, (they get enough light in the room anyways, fish kinda like natural light sometimes)

I sometimes add cool dechlorinated water or float a plastic bowl of cool water in the tank to let the temp drop, it acts as a heat sink.

Hope this helps, let me know how it goes. My temp went down.


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