

New Member
Sep 26, 2007
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West Sussex
Right so my heaters working fine the light goes on when it's too cold and when it's the right temperature it goes off but I don't have a light in the tank as it broke and can't afford another one at the mo and I don't think it's light enough I read up somewhere that guppies need 12 hours of light? so I take the lid off for a couple of hours a day so they can get some light but then the tank gets too cold, It was fine when the weather was hot ovisly because it was heating it up but now it's freezing cold weather it's making the water go too cold I've started leaving the lid on, Do guppies need this amount of light? Do you think I'd need to get a light asap? Or will it not be too urgent? The guppies seem to be fine now the lids on and not getting so much light, Just need some advice really.
you have posted in the emergency forum and stated in the title it is not urgent,
what part of emergency do you not understand?

consider typing in a clearer style, using paragraphs etc
so that people will find reading your post a little easier

just under 4 hrs for a non urgent post to get a reply is not
a reason to bump it, please have some patience this is an international forum after all
and many members will be in bed asleep whilst you are up and about in the world.
if nobody has replied within 24hrs (1day) then you can bump a topic

I find your signature excessive in size and I'm on a 17inch screen at the highest resolution (1280 x 1024)
I hate to think how monstrous it is on a smaller screen at the std resolution (800x600).
it may also be breaking the current forums rules regarding signatures, please
read the rules and act accordingly

now all that is off my chest
fish like most other living things need a light and dark period.
fish tanks do not need a light, we humans only have the lights to see the fish
and to grow plants under.
provided that the room, the tank is in, is not in pitch black all day
the fish will get enough ambient light that naturally fills the room.
FIRSTLY...I know I'm not blind I can see I've wrote in the emergency part don't have to speak to me like a flid do you? No I do know what emergency means and well I'm out all day tommorrow and people usally write back fast on here so I thought I would post on here there's no rule's saying I'm not allowed to so don't know why your getting all funny with me!!!

SECONDLY...That is how I write and I attcally find it quite offensensive to say I can't write properly, Most people on here understand me and write back POLITELY!

THIRDLY...People usually write back to me very quickly as I said and I wondered why noone was speaking to me!!!

& Oh Lastly... Well if I'm breaking rule's I'll delete the signature right now just for you but you don't have to be rude do you? Doesn't hurt to be POLITE...Sorry you've just annoyed me!! Anyway now I've got all that off MY chest

Thank's for advice

Bye nice to talk to you...NOT!
FIRSTLY...I know I'm not blind I can see I've wrote in the emergency part don't have to speak to me like an idiot do you?
no I didn't have to speak to you like an idiot (note the edit of your offensive term)
but as you acted idiotically I felt I should

I thought I would post on here there's no rule's saying I'm not allowed to so don't know why your getting all funny with me!!!

When posting a request for help can you please include the following info

1. Water parameters. (ammonia, nitrate, nitrite, PH, temp', Hardness etc)
2. A full description of the fishes symptoms.
3. How often you do water changes and how much.
4. Any chemicals and treatments you add to the water.
5. What tank mates are in the tank.
6. Tank size.
7. Finally Have you recently added any new fish?

taken from the pinned topic in this forum entitled Please Read Before Posting To Emergency Section

as your post has nothing to do with fish health that is an emergency, yes there is a rule about it.

SECONDLY...That is how I write and I attcally find it quite offensensive to say I can't write properly, Most people on here understand me and write back POLITELY!
I didn't say you can't. I said consider doing so to make it easier for others to read.
that way they will be more inclined to answer you.
although from the tone of this thread and your response to it, I doubt that will happen in the future.

THIRDLY...People usually write back to me very quickly as I said and I wondered why noone was speaking to me!!!
perhaps it is because they find it hard to read and it is not an emergency that is posted in the emergency forum

Well if I'm breaking rule's I'll delete the signature right now just for you but you don't have to be rude do you? Doesn't hurt to be POLITE
no don't change it just for me change it because you are conforming to the rules like every other member of this forum has to.

I suggest taking that chip off your shoulder and conforming to the forums rules
then ask your questions in the appropriate forum, that way others here maybe inclined to help you.
Personally I'm not any more and you have achieved the status of member ignored for me.
goodbye and enjoy your fish.
Lol I'm glad no more snottiness and rudeness from you("The Wolf") and thank you Musho nice to be answered nicely x

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