Temperature Troubles

Miss Dib Dabs

Jun 19, 2005
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Behind the shadows
Finally picked up a new thermometre for the ladies tank since I wasn't convinced the one I had previously was showing me the right temp. I was right! Turned out their temp was a mere 20 degrees C!! Thats 68F for those that work that way. ;) Was shocked so turned their heater up to a more acceptable level and it's now at 24C or 75F. Thing is all the girls now seem lethargic. All are resting in their floating plants instead of swimming around. Their tank has been treated recently with anti-funfus and was followed by a low dose of Methalene blue. Although the water has had a reasonable change and activated carbon added to the external filter I wonder if the combined factors have made them feel this way? :/ The angel in there with them is breathing a little rapidly since the temp rise but not gasping nor seeming stressed. The other members are pefectly happy. The orange spot was moved to my most mature tank where the temp and water conditons are permanently stable (Although watched of course!) and the water is much warmer and to his liking.
There's an airstone running in the tank 100% of the time.
Any thoughts?
Is it at all possible your new thermometer could be a little off too? Your fish sound like the water is too warm for them. Were they doing better before the temp adjustment?
They were all getting a tad miffed at the blue water and whatnot. And the new one is correct. I have three of these temp things and while two matched up to the other readings on the tanks this one was well out. TBH I got the new one because when I put my hand in the water it always felt cold. :/ Even now it doesn't feel anywhere near as warm as a couple of them. They all have different temps according to what lives in them y'see. I'm thinking it was that much colder due to me turning the radiators in the house off during the middle of the day which would have helped counteract the heater setting being too low. :X
I just wonder if I let the water warm up too fast really especially with the meds only just coming out of the tank. I know they reduce the oxygen levels in the tank and with the heat rise am wondering if it's taken more out. If that makes sense. *Slaps head* If you or anyone actually follows that then you're wonderous.

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