Temperature Question

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Mostly New Member
Oct 19, 2013
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I was given a 120litre tank & this is my first time keeping fish.
I bought a filter & 150 watt heater & set the heater to 26, I also bought a tempurature strip you stick on the outside of the tank, that reads 29, I have it on the opposite corner of the tank from my heater.
My question is, should I lower my heater to 22-24 or whatever till the temperature strip reads 26 (26 is what I'm aiming for)?
I've 5 zebra danios & they seem happy but I just thought I'd ask, I'm reading as much as I can on the subject but haven't seen this question answered before.
Any help appreciated.
those temperatue strips are easy to read but I don't have a lot of faith in their accuracy.  I recommend getting a second thermometer like the following link.   It's a bit harder to read but I think it's more accurate.  
It's possible that the settings on your heater are a bit off.  If you get the thermometer suggested above and it still reads different than the setting,  I would adjust the setting until the thermometer reads the temperature you are shooting for.
Fishmanic said:
those temperatue strips are easy to read but I don't have a lot of faith in their accuracy.  I recommend getting a second thermometer like the following link.   It's a bit harder to read but I think it's more accurate.  
It's possible that the settings on your heater are a bit off.  If you get the thermometer suggested above and it still reads different than the setting,  I would adjust the setting until the thermometer reads the temperature you are shooting for.
There are other things that affect the temperature in your tank.  Your filter for instance has an impeller that is run off of a motor that generates heat, so when water swishes through a chamber with heat irradiating through it, naturally it will warm the tank slightly, as well as the heat generated by lighting.  Although correct about the slight innacuracy of the strips, they do give a fairly decent ballpark, or you could test it with another thermometer just for consistency sake, and adjust the heater accordingly until your aquarium is consistent at the temperature you trying to maintain.
Not sure what heater you are using, but the temperature could change a bit if the room temperature rose or fall, so unless your thermometer compensates for that automatically, you will have to tinker during different seasons to dial it in just right for the room temp.
If you want an accurate reading get an electronic thermometer that is used to measure human temp. I got mine off eBay for a few pounds.
You do not have to keep altering the thermostat as ecHOo said once set leave it. Yes you will get a higher temperature in Summer months and at this time your heater will not come on at this time, but if the temp. drops at night significantly then the thermostat will operate the heater to bring water temp. to set level. Set thermostat to 24/25c depending what fish you have.
OK, thanks for all the answers.
My heater is a Marina Submersible pre-set aquarium heater 150w, it's this one here http://www.amazon.co.uk/Marina-Submersible-Pre-Set-Aquarium-Heater/dp/B00B1G9L34
I have a thermometer from my home brew setup in storage so I'll get that in the next few days & test with that. I'm slightly colourblind so can't really verify the strips reading with accuracy :)

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