
Its all an excersize in energy Lee. Bottom line, the temperature of the tank will be determined by the sum of the energy going in, the energy going out, and then a resulting difference from ambient. All tanks have input energy in the form of powerheads and lights, and in the winter months, heaters provide extra energy input. There is really only one significant method of heat leaving the tank, and that is through evaporation. There are other modes of heat loss but they are negligable compared to evaporation.

Now, when water evaporates, 540 calories (0.627 watts) of energy are removed with every gram/mL of water that is actually evaporated. Now, consider a tank that looses 1 liter of water per day to evaporation. 1L = 1000mL and therefore 627 watt hours of heat are removed from the tank through evaporation. That's not a lot of energy for a 24 hour period. Thats only a little over 26 watts per hour of heat removed. Now when you've got hundreds of watts of light over the tank, you're putting more heat into the system than you're removing from evaporation. Consequently, the temperature of the tank water rises above ambient.

Now lets say you add some fans in the hood and evaporate 5L of water per day. Now you're removing 3135 watt hours per day or 130watts of energy per hour. Now all of a sudden you're making up for the fact that your lights are inputting a large amount of heat into the tank by increasing the heat energy out, and your tank's temperature will not be that far above ambient. And when you consider the cost of fans and the running cost of fans, they are incomprehensibly more cost-efficient than buying and running a chiller.

I realize the glass may be shielding some of the heat the lights are generating away from the water, but there is plenty generated in the tank itself via infrared radiation that you can't feel. Please trust me when I say your heater is not malfunctioning and the problem is the high powered lights over a closed water volume. You are one of many. And the solution, fans pointed at the surface for more evaporation. I know it might be a pain to keep up with the evaporative loss, but would you rather have some extra evaporation, or would you rather have dead livestock or empty pockets?
ok im keeping my lid open anyway at the mo my fan is very noisy and the tank is in a opn plan kitchen / office for my mum so she doesnt like the noise thats why i am just suggesting these ideas i will run the fan but am still looking into chillers bcuz personally i think it is better in the long run -been looking at the teco products
the temp must be coming from the power heads and filters due to being 84 when the lights are off

cheers 4 help
Hi Lee,

Just out of interest, what is the ambient room temperature? Monitor it at various points of the day like morning, afternoon, evening and night. As ski rightly says, the powerheads also put heat energy into the water. At night they are still going to be transferring heat into the water, but depending on the ambient room temperature, it will limit the amount of heat transferred from the tank.

Rather than a chiller, why not invest in an air conditioning unit? It will not only keep the room cool, thereby transferring heat from the tank, but also it will pull moisture from the air, which should also aid with evapouration and as Ski explained earlier, help in cooling too. It will probably mean topping up with R/O more often, but as it will only be for a few months, it won't be a big deal.

Another cheaper/short term alternative would be to put ice cubes in a plastic bags, tie them off and drop them in the tank when required. Monitor to see what the temperature drops too with one bag, and how long it takes for the temperatures to rise again. When melted, just remove the bag and put back in the freezer again.

Might be safer to use RO water to freeze, just in case the bag splits and empties chlorine and nitrates and god knows what else into the tank.

thought of the ideas aswell my mum dont like it as she doesnt like the look when a bag is floating in the tank

also my mum now doesnt want to put up with hassle with evaporation, temp varieing, me getting angry with it lol and if we go on holiday we dont know whats happining with the temp

so my mum has said we are buying a chiller to make life easier and to keep the marine life happier all that sort of stuff so i have been looking around and i like the look of the teco tc10


is this any good this way i can take my heater out of my tank
any other chillers i should be looking at?

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