

Fish Fanatic
Sep 22, 2003
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Golden Colorado
I have one of those stickers that monitors temperature on the side of my tank. I set my heater for the water at 70 deg farenheit for my platies and molly, the sticker though always syas between 82 and 86 degrees. Is it wrong or is someting wierd with the heater.... Also, my platies are a little agressive. They seem fine most of the time, but every once in a while as I watch them, they will swim towards each other, with the dorsal fin erect :unsure: ( it's usually down) with their bodies in a u shape, slightly on their side. Is this some sort of a territorial thing????
I think that the sticker is probably wrong. I might be wrong but I would suggest getting a thermometer that has a suction cup and that goes inside the tank. ;)
How close to the light is your thermometer? This can make it read warmer than it really is. I find it works better to stick the thermometer near the middle, where it wont be seen in the back or something, or near the gravel. Also, If its lit up between, say, 72 and 76.... and the 72 is blue and the 76 is red, 72 is actually colder than the real temp and 76 is warmer. It means that its probably closer to 74. It took me a long time to figure this out, as I use the sticky thermometers, too. When I bought my newest one, I took time to read the back of the package (!) and found this out. Why don't they make them light up just one number? :crazy: Just to make sure your thermometer isn't crazy though, I'd buy one of the metal kind that you just stick in, and see what it has to say.
I have those sticky thermometers on my tanks also and I just use them to get a general idea of tank temp. What I would recommend to everyone is a digital temp. probe. They are available at restaurant supply stores, fit in your shirt pocket and are not expensive (Mine cost $14.95 US).
At feeding time I stick the probe in the tank and get the exact temp. Also great for making sure that water used for changes is the same temp. as the tank water.
Hope this helps.
Sometimes teh chemicals in those sticky thermometers gets old or worn out I guess you could say. I would get a new one if its acting like that.
I have two of the liquid crystal thermometers I put one on the front and one on the side and check both of them to make sure they are both still working right.

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