i am going to transfer my male betta from my warmer 72gal into my 2.5gal.
the 2.5 keeps room temp which varies from 72-78.
should i worry about temp? is there a heater i would be able to get should i need one?
72deg F = 22c
Bettas need to be in water between 24 - 27c, so i suggest you get a heater with a thermostat, and set the temp to 26 or so. If its the 2.5g tank i suggest a 25w heater (i use a 25w and its fine).
I put the molly in the 72 and the 2.5 now has a crack so now everyone is in the 72 together and doing well so far......i'm hoping for a 2.5 for my daughter's room for xmas so i can get the betta out of there